Adobe InDesign CS5.5 Server (7.5) Object Model JS: TrapImagePlacementTypes

InDesign Server CS5.5

 Options for trap placement between vector objects and bitmap images.


TrapImagePlacementTypes.CENTER_EDGESCreates a trap that straddles the edge between vector objects and bitmap images.1953522542 = 'tpcn'
TrapImagePlacementTypes.CHOKECauses vector objects to overlap abutting images.1953522536 = 'tpch'
TrapImagePlacementTypes.IMAGES_OVER_SPREADCauses bitmap images to overlap the abutting objects.1953526640 = 'tpsp'
TrapImagePlacementTypes.IMAGE_NEUTRAL_DENSITYApplies the same trapping rules as used elsewhere in the document. Note: When used to trap an object to a photograph, can result in noticeably uneven edges as the trap moves from one side of the edge to another.1953525348 = 'tpnd'


As property


Jongware, 28-Apr-2012 v3.0.3iContents :: Index