A story.
Superclass of XmlStory
Property | Type | Access | Description |
allGraphics | Array of Graphic | readonly | Lists all graphics contained by the Story. |
allPageItems | Array of PageItem | readonly | Lists all page items contained by the Story. |
allowArbitraryHyphenation | bool | r/w | If true, words unassociated with a hyphenation dictionary can break to the next line on any character. |
appliedCharacterStyle | CharacterStyleString | r/w | The character style applied to the text. Can also accept: String. |
appliedFont | Font String |
r/w | The font applied to the Story, specified as either a font object or the name of font family. Can return: Font or String. |
appliedLanguage | Language LanguageWithVendors String |
r/w | The language of the text. Can return: LanguageWithVendors or Language. Can also accept: String. |
appliedNamedGrid | NamedGrid | r/w | The named grid in use. |
appliedNestedStyles | Array of CharacterStyle | readonly | The applied character styles dictated by nested styles. |
appliedNumberingList | NumberingList String |
r/w | The list to be part of. Can return: NumberingList or String. |
appliedParagraphStyle | ParagraphStyle String |
r/w | The paragraph style applied to the text. Can also accept: String. |
associatedXMLElement | XMLItem | readonly | The XML element associated with the Story. |
autoLeading | number | r/w | The percent of the type size to use for auto leading. (Range: 0 to 500). |
autoTcy | number | r/w | The number of half-width characters at or below which the characters automatically run horizontally in vertical text. |
autoTcyIncludeRoman | bool | r/w | If true, auto tcy includes Roman characters. |
balanceRaggedLines | BalanceLinesStyle Boolean |
r/w | If true or set to an enumeration value, balances ragged lines. Note: Not valid with a single-line text composer. Can return: Boolean or BalanceLinesStyle enumerator. |
baselineShift | Measurement Unit (Number or String) | r/w | The baseline shift applied to the text. |
bulletChar | Bullet | readonly | Bullet character. |
bulletsAlignment | ListAlignment: ListAlignment.LEFT_ALIGN ListAlignment.CENTER_ALIGN ListAlignment.RIGHT_ALIGN |
r/w | The alignment of the bullet character. |
bulletsAndNumberingListType | ListType: ListType.NO_LIST ListType.BULLET_LIST ListType.NUMBERED_LIST |
r/w | List type for bullets and numbering. |
bulletsCharacterStyle | CharacterStyle String |
r/w | The character style to be used for the text after string. Can return: CharacterStyle or String. |
bulletsTextAfter | string | r/w | The text after string expression for bullets. |
bunriKinshi | bool | r/w | If true, adds the double period (..), ellipse (...), and double hyphen (--) to the selected kinsoku set. Note: Valid only when a kinsoku set is in effect. |
buttons | Buttons Button | readonly | A collection of buttons. |
capitalization | Capitalization: Capitalization.NORMAL Capitalization.SMALL_CAPS Capitalization.ALL_CAPS Capitalization.CAP_TO_SMALL_CAP |
r/w | The capitalization scheme. |
changes | Changes Change | readonly | A collection of changes. |
characterAlignment | CharacterAlignment: CharacterAlignment.ALIGN_BASELINE CharacterAlignment.ALIGN_EM_TOP CharacterAlignment.ALIGN_EM_CENTER CharacterAlignment.ALIGN_EM_BOTTOM CharacterAlignment.ALIGN_ICF_TOP CharacterAlignment.ALIGN_ICF_BOTTOM |
r/w | The alignment of small characters to the largest character in the line. |
characterDirection | CharacterDirectionOptions: CharacterDirectionOptions.DEFAULT_DIRECTION CharacterDirectionOptions.LEFT_TO_RIGHT_DIRECTION CharacterDirectionOptions.RIGHT_TO_LEFT_DIRECTION |
r/w | The direction of the character. |
characterRotation | number | r/w | The rotation angle (in degrees) of individual characters. Note: The rotation is counterclockwise. |
characters | Characters Character | readonly | A collection of characters. |
cjkGridTracking | bool | r/w | If true, uses grid tracking to track non-Roman characters in CJK grids. |
composer | string | r/w | The text composer to use to compose the text. |
contents | SpecialCharacters String |
r/w | The contents of the text. Can return: String or SpecialCharacters enumerator. |
desiredGlyphScaling | number | r/w | The desired width (as a percentage) of individual characters. (Range: 50 to 200) |
desiredLetterSpacing | number | r/w | The desired letter spacing, specified as a percentge of the built-in space between letters in the font. (Range: -100 to 500) |
desiredWordSpacing | number | r/w | The desired word spacing, specified as a percentage of the font word space value. (Range: 0 to 1000) |
diacriticPosition | DiacriticPositionOptions: DiacriticPositionOptions.DEFAULT_POSITION DiacriticPositionOptions.LOOSE_POSITION DiacriticPositionOptions.MEDIUM_POSITION DiacriticPositionOptions.TIGHT_POSITION DiacriticPositionOptions.OPENTYPE_POSITION |
r/w | Position of diacriticical characters. |
digitsType | DigitsTypeOptions: DigitsTypeOptions.DEFAULT_DIGITS DigitsTypeOptions.ARABIC_DIGITS DigitsTypeOptions.HINDI_DIGITS DigitsTypeOptions.FARSI_DIGITS DigitsTypeOptions.NATIVE_DIGITS DigitsTypeOptions.FULL_FARSI_DIGITS DigitsTypeOptions.THAI_DIGITS DigitsTypeOptions.LAO_DIGITS DigitsTypeOptions.DEVANAGARI_DIGITS DigitsTypeOptions.BENGALI_DIGITS DigitsTypeOptions.GURMUKHI_DIGITS DigitsTypeOptions.GUJARATI_DIGITS DigitsTypeOptions.ORIYA_DIGITS DigitsTypeOptions.TAMIL_DIGITS DigitsTypeOptions.TELUGU_DIGITS DigitsTypeOptions.KANNADA_DIGITS DigitsTypeOptions.MALAYALAM_DIGITS DigitsTypeOptions.TIBETAN_DIGITS DigitsTypeOptions.KHMER_DIGITS DigitsTypeOptions.BURMESE_DIGITS |
r/w | The digits type. |
dropCapCharacters | number (range: 0 - 150) | r/w | The number of characters to drop cap. |
dropCapLines | number (range: 0 - 25) | r/w | The number of lines to drop cap. |
dropCapStyle | CharacterStyle String |
r/w | The character style to apply to the drop cap. Can also accept: String. |
dropcapDetail | number | r/w | Details about the drop cap based on the glyph outlines. 1 = left side bearing. 2 = descenders. 0x100,0x200,0x400 are used for Japanese frame grid. |
endJoin | OutlineJoin: OutlineJoin.MITER_END_JOIN OutlineJoin.ROUND_END_JOIN OutlineJoin.BEVEL_END_JOIN |
r/w | The stroke join type applied to the characters of the text. |
epstexts | EPSTexts EPSText | readonly | EPSTexts |
eventListeners | EventListeners EventListener | readonly | A collection of event listeners. |
events | Events Event | readonly | A collection of events. |
fillColor | String Swatch |
r/w | The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the fill of the Story. . Can also accept: String. |
fillTint | number | r/w | The tint (as a percentage) of the fill color of the Story. (To specify a tint percentage, use a number in the range of 0 to 100; to use the inherited or overridden value, use -1.) |
firstLineIndent | Measurement Unit (Number or String) | r/w | The amount to indent the first line. |
fontStyle | string | r/w | The name of the font style. |
footnotes | Footnotes Footnote | readonly | A collection of footnotes. |
formFields | FormFields FormField | readonly | A collection of form fields. |
glyphForm | AlternateGlyphForms: AlternateGlyphForms.NONE AlternateGlyphForms.TRADITIONAL_FORM AlternateGlyphForms.EXPERT_FORM AlternateGlyphForms.JIS78_FORM AlternateGlyphForms.JIS83_FORM AlternateGlyphForms.MONOSPACED_HALF_WIDTH_FORM AlternateGlyphForms.THIRD_WIDTH_FORM AlternateGlyphForms.QUARTER_WIDTH_FORM AlternateGlyphForms.NLC_FORM AlternateGlyphForms.PROPORTIONAL_WIDTH_FORM AlternateGlyphForms.FULL_WIDTH_FORM AlternateGlyphForms.JIS04_FORM AlternateGlyphForms.JIS90_FORM |
r/w | The glyph variant to substitute for standard glyphs. |
gradientFillAngle | number | r/w | The angle of a linear gradient applied to the fill of the text. (Range: -180 to 180) |
gradientFillLength | number | r/w | The length (for a linear gradient) or radius (for a radial gradient) applied to the fill of the text. |
gradientFillStart | Array of Measurement Unit (Number or String) | r/w | The starting point (in page coordinates) of a gradient applied to the fill of the text, in the format [x, y]. |
gradientStrokeAngle | number | r/w | The angle of a linear gradient applied to the stroke of the text. (Range: -180 to 180) |
gradientStrokeLength | number | r/w | The length (for a linear gradient) or radius (for a radial gradient) applied to the stroke of the text. |
gradientStrokeStart | Array of Measurement Unit (Number or String) | r/w | The starting point (in page coordinates) of a gradient applied to the stroke of the text, in the format [x, y]. |
graphicLines | GraphicLines GraphicLine | readonly | A collection of graphic lines. |
gridAlignFirstLineOnly | bool | r/w | If true, aligns only the first line to the frame grid or baseline grid. If false, aligns all lines to the grid. |
gridAlignment | GridAlignment: GridAlignment.NONE GridAlignment.ALIGN_BASELINE GridAlignment.ALIGN_EM_TOP GridAlignment.ALIGN_EM_CENTER GridAlignment.ALIGN_EM_BOTTOM GridAlignment.ALIGN_ICF_TOP GridAlignment.ALIGN_ICF_BOTTOM |
r/w | The alignment to the frame grid or baseline grid. |
gridData | GridDataInformation | readonly | Default grid properties. Note: Applies to named, layout, and frame (story) grids. |
gridGyoudori | number | r/w | The manual gyoudori setting. |
groups | Groups Group | readonly | A collection of groups. |
hiddenTexts | HiddenTexts HiddenText | readonly | A collection of hidden text objects. |
horizontalScale | number | r/w | The horizontal scaling applied to the Story. |
hyphenWeight | number (range: 0 - 10) | r/w | The relative desirability of better spacing vs. fewer hyphens. A lower value results in greater use of hyphens. (Range: 0 to 100) |
hyphenateAcrossColumns | bool | r/w | If true, allows the last word in a text column to be hyphenated. |
hyphenateAfterFirst | number (range: 1 - 15) | r/w | The mininum number of letters at the beginning of a word that can be broken by a hyphen. |
hyphenateBeforeLast | number (range: 1 - 15) | r/w | The minimum number of letters at the end of a word that can be broken by a hyphen. |
hyphenateCapitalizedWords | bool | r/w | If true, allows hyphenation of capitalized words. |
hyphenateLadderLimit | number (range: 0 - 25) | r/w | The maximum number of hyphens that can appear on consecutive lines. To specify unlimited consecutive lines, use zero. |
hyphenateLastWord | bool | r/w | If true, allows hyphenation in the last word in a paragraph. Note: Valid only when hyphenation is true. |
hyphenateWordsLongerThan | number (range: 3 - 25) | r/w | The minimum number of letters a word must have in order to qualify for hyphenation. |
hyphenation | bool | r/w | If true, allows hyphenation. |
hyphenationZone | Measurement Unit (Number or String) | r/w | The amount of white space allowed at the end of a line of non-justified text before hypenation begins. Note: Valid when composer is single-line composer. |
id | number | readonly | The unique ID of the Story. |
idmlComponentName | string | r/w | The IDML component name of the Story. |
ignoreEdgeAlignment | bool | r/w | If true, ignores optical edge alignment for the paragraph. |
incopyExportOptions | InCopyExportOption | readonly | Export options for InCopy INCX document format. |
index | number | readonly | The index of the Story within its containing object. |
insertionPoints | InsertionPoints InsertionPoint | readonly | A collection of insertion points. |
isValid | bool | readonly | Returns true if the object specifier resolves to valid objects. |
itemLink | Link | readonly | The source file of the link. |
jidori | number | r/w | The number of grid squares in which to arrange the text. |
justification | Justification: Justification.LEFT_ALIGN Justification.CENTER_ALIGN Justification.RIGHT_ALIGN Justification.LEFT_JUSTIFIED Justification.RIGHT_JUSTIFIED Justification.CENTER_JUSTIFIED Justification.FULLY_JUSTIFIED Justification.TO_BINDING_SIDE Justification.AWAY_FROM_BINDING_SIDE |
r/w | The paragraph alignment. |
kashidas | KashidasOptions: KashidasOptions.DEFAULT_KASHIDAS KashidasOptions.KASHIDAS_OFF |
r/w | Use of Kashidas for justification |
keepAllLinesTogether | bool | r/w | If true, keeps all lines of the paragraph together. If false, allows paragraphs to break across pages or columns. |
keepFirstLines | number (range: 1 - 50) | r/w | The minimum number of lines to keep together in a paragraph before allowing a page break. |
keepLastLines | number (range: 1 - 50) | r/w | The minimum number of lines to keep together in a paragraph after a page break. |
keepLinesTogether | bool | r/w | If true, keeps a specified number of lines together when the paragraph breaks across columns or text frames. |
keepRuleAboveInFrame | bool | r/w | If true, forces the rule above the paragraph to remain in the frame bounds. Note: Valid only when rule above is true. |
keepWithNext | number (range: 0 - 5) | r/w | The minimum number of lines to keep with the next paragraph. |
keepWithPrevious | bool | r/w | If the first line in the paragraph should be kept with the last line of previous paragraph. |
kentenAlignment | KentenAlignment: KentenAlignment.ALIGN_KENTEN_LEFT KentenAlignment.ALIGN_KENTEN_CENTER |
r/w | The alignment of kenten characters relative to the parent characters. |
kentenCharacterSet | KentenCharacterSet: KentenCharacterSet.CHARACTER_INPUT KentenCharacterSet.SHIFT_JIS KentenCharacterSet.JIS KentenCharacterSet.KUTEN KentenCharacterSet.UNICODE |
r/w | The character set used for the custom kenten character. Note: Valid only when kenten kind is custom. |
kentenCustomCharacter | string | r/w | The character used for kenten. Note: Valid only when kenten kind is custom. |
kentenFillColor | String Swatch |
r/w | The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the fill of kenten characters. Can return: Swatch or String. |
kentenFont | Font String |
r/w | The font to use for kenten characters. Can return: Font or String. |
kentenFontSize | number | r/w | The size (in points) of kenten characters. |
kentenFontStyle | NothingEnum String |
r/w | The font style of kenten characters. Can return: String or NothingEnum enumerator. |
kentenKind | KentenCharacter: KentenCharacter.NONE KentenCharacter.KENTEN_SESAME_DOT KentenCharacter.KENTEN_WHITE_SESAME_DOT KentenCharacter.KENTEN_BLACK_CIRCLE KentenCharacter.KENTEN_WHITE_CIRCLE KentenCharacter.KENTEN_BLACK_TRIANGLE KentenCharacter.KENTEN_WHITE_TRIANGLE KentenCharacter.KENTEN_BULLSEYE KentenCharacter.KENTEN_FISHEYE KentenCharacter.KENTEN_SMALL_BLACK_CIRCLE KentenCharacter.KENTEN_SMALL_WHITE_CIRCLE KentenCharacter.CUSTOM |
r/w | The style of kenten characters. |
kentenOverprintFill | AdornmentOverprint: AdornmentOverprint.AUTO AdornmentOverprint.OVERPRINT_ON AdornmentOverprint.OVERPRINT_OFF |
r/w | The method of overprinting the kenten fill. |
kentenOverprintStroke | AdornmentOverprint: AdornmentOverprint.AUTO AdornmentOverprint.OVERPRINT_ON AdornmentOverprint.OVERPRINT_OFF |
r/w | The method of overprinting the kenten stroke. |
kentenPlacement | number | r/w | The distance between kenten characters and their parent characters. |
kentenPosition | RubyKentenPosition: RubyKentenPosition.ABOVE_RIGHT RubyKentenPosition.BELOW_LEFT |
r/w | The kenten position relative to the parent character. |
kentenStrokeColor | String Swatch |
r/w | The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the stroke of kenten characters. Can return: Swatch or String. |
kentenStrokeTint | number | r/w | The stroke tint (as a percentage) of kenten characters. (Range: 0 to 100) |
kentenTint | number | r/w | The fill tint (as a percentage) of kenten characters. (Range: 0 to 100) |
kentenWeight | number | r/w | The stroke weight (in points) of kenten characters. |
kentenXScale | number | r/w | The horizontal size of kenten characters as a percent of the original size. |
kentenYScale | number | r/w | The vertical size of kenten charachers as a percent of the original size. |
kerningMethod | string | r/w | The type of pair kerning. |
keyboardDirection | CharacterDirectionOptions: CharacterDirectionOptions.DEFAULT_DIRECTION CharacterDirectionOptions.LEFT_TO_RIGHT_DIRECTION CharacterDirectionOptions.RIGHT_TO_LEFT_DIRECTION |
r/w | The keyboard direction of the character. |
kinsokuHangType | KinsokuHangTypes: KinsokuHangTypes.NONE KinsokuHangTypes.KINSOKU_HANG_REGULAR KinsokuHangTypes.KINSOKU_HANG_FORCE |
r/w | The type of hanging punctuation to allow. Note: Valid only when a kinsoku set is in effect. |
kinsokuSet | KinsokuSet KinsokuTable String |
r/w | The kinsoku set that determines legitimate line breaks. Can return: KinsokuTable, KinsokuSet enumerator or String. |
r/w | The type of kinsoku processing for preventing kinsoku characters from beginning or ending a line. Note: Valid only when a kinsoku set is defined. |
label | string | r/w | A property that can be set to any string. |
lastLineIndent | Measurement Unit (Number or String) | r/w | The amount to indent the last line in the paragraph. |
leading | Leading Unit |
r/w | The leading applied to the text. Can return: Unit or Leading enumerator. |
leadingAki | number | r/w | The amount of space before each character. |
r/w | The point from which leading is measured from line to line. |
leftIndent | Measurement Unit (Number or String) | r/w | The width of the left indent. |
length | number | readonly | The number of objects in the collection. |
ligatures | bool | r/w | If true, replaces specific character combinations (e.g., fl, fi) with ligature characters. |
lines | Lines Line | readonly | A collection of lines. |
linkedStoryOptions | LinkedStoryOption | readonly | Linked story options |
lockState | LockStateValues: LockStateValues.NONE LockStateValues.UNMANAGED_STORY LockStateValues.CHECKED_IN_STORY LockStateValues.CHECKED_OUT_STORY LockStateValues.LOCKED_STORY LockStateValues.EMBEDDED_STORY LockStateValues.MISSING_LOCK_STATE LockStateValues.MIXED_LOCK_STATE |
readonly | The lock state. |
maximumGlyphScaling | number | r/w | The maximum width (as a percentage) of individual characters. (Range: 50 to 200) |
maximumLetterSpacing | number | r/w | The maximum letter spacing, specified as a percentge of the built-in space between letters in the font. (Range: -100 to 500) Note: Valid only when text is justified. |
maximumWordSpacing | number | r/w | The maximum word spacing, specified as a percentage of the font word space value. Note: Valid only when text is justified. (Range: 0 to 1000) |
minimumGlyphScaling | number | r/w | The minimum width (as a percentage) of individual characters. (Range: 50 to 200) |
minimumLetterSpacing | number | r/w | The minimum letter spacing, specified as a percentge of the built-in space between letters in the font. (Range: -100 to 500) Note: Valid only when text is justified. |
minimumWordSpacing | number | r/w | The minimum word spacing, specified as a percentage of the font word space value. Note: Valid only when text is justified. (Range: 0 to 1000) |
miterLimit | number (range: 0 - 1000) | r/w | The limit of the ratio of stroke width to miter length before a miter (pointed) join becomes a bevel (squared-off) join. (default: 4) |
mojikumi | MojikumiTable MojikumiTableDefaults String |
r/w | The mojikumi table. For information, see mojikumi table defaults. Can return: MojikumiTable, String or MojikumiTableDefaults enumerator. |
multiStateObjects | MultiStateObjects MultiStateObject | readonly | A collection of multi-state objects. |
name | string | r/w | The name of the Story; this is an alias to the Story's label property. |
nestedGrepStyles | NestedGrepStyles NestedGrepStyle | readonly | A collection of nested GREP styles. |
nestedLineStyles | NestedLineStyles NestedLineStyle | readonly | A collection of nested line styles. |
nestedStyles | NestedStyles NestedStyle | readonly | A collection of nested styles. |
noBreak | bool | r/w | If true, keeps the text on the same line. |
notes | Notes Note | readonly | A collection of notes. |
numberingAlignment | ListAlignment: ListAlignment.LEFT_ALIGN ListAlignment.CENTER_ALIGN ListAlignment.RIGHT_ALIGN |
r/w | The alignment of the number. |
numberingApplyRestartPolicy | bool | r/w | If true, apply the numbering restart policy. |
numberingCharacterStyle | CharacterStyle String |
r/w | The character style to be used for the number string. Can return: CharacterStyle or String. |
numberingContinue | bool | r/w | Continue the numbering at this level. |
numberingExpression | string | r/w | The number string expression for numbering. |
numberingFormat | NumberingStyle String |
r/w | Numbering format options. Can return: NumberingStyle enumerator or String. |
numberingLevel | number | r/w | The level of the paragraph. |
numberingRestartPolicies | NumberingRestartPolicy | readonly | Numbering restart policies. |
numberingStartAt | number | r/w | Determines starting number in a numbered list. |
opentypeFeatures | Array of Array of 2 Strings Long Integers |
r/w | OpenType features. Can return: Array of Array of 2 Strings or Long Integers. |
otfContextualAlternate | bool | r/w | If true, uses contextual alternate forms in OpenType fonts. |
otfDiscretionaryLigature | bool | r/w | If true, uses discretionary ligatures in OpenType fonts. |
r/w | The figure style in OpenType fonts. |
otfFraction | bool | r/w | If true, uses fractions in OpenType fonts. |
otfHVKana | bool | r/w | If true, switches hiragana fonts, which have different glyphs for horizontal and vertical. |
otfHistorical | bool | r/w | If true, use historical forms in OpenType fonts. |
otfJustificationAlternate | bool | r/w | If true, use alternate justification forms in OpenType fonts |
otfLocale | bool | r/w | If true, uses localized forms in OpenType fonts. |
otfMark | bool | r/w | If true, uses mark positioning in OpenType fonts. |
otfOrdinal | bool | r/w | If true, uses ordinals in OpenType fonts. |
otfOverlapSwash | bool | r/w | If true, use overlapping swash forms in OpenType fonts |
otfProportionalMetrics | bool | r/w | If true, kerns according to proportional CJK metrics in OpenType fonts. |
otfRomanItalics | bool | r/w | If true, applies italics to half-width alphanumerics. |
otfSlashedZero | bool | r/w | If true, use a slashed zeroes in OpenType fonts. |
otfStretchedAlternate | bool | r/w | If true, use stretched alternate forms in OpenType fonts |
otfStylisticAlternate | bool | r/w | If true, use stylistic alternate forms in OpenType fonts |
otfStylisticSets | number | r/w | The stylistic sets to use in OpenType fonts. |
otfSwash | bool | r/w | If true, uses swash forms in OpenType fonts. |
otfTitling | bool | r/w | If true, uses titling forms in OpenType fonts. |
ovals | Ovals Oval | readonly | A collection of ellipses. |
overflows | bool | readonly | If true, the story has overset text. |
overprintFill | bool | r/w | If true, the fill color of the characters will overprint. |
overprintStroke | bool | r/w | If true, the stroke of the characters will overprint. |
pageItems | PageItems PageItem | readonly | The page items collection, which can be used to process all page items in a container (such as a document, page, or group), regardless of type. |
paragraphDirection | ParagraphDirectionOptions: ParagraphDirectionOptions.LEFT_TO_RIGHT_DIRECTION ParagraphDirectionOptions.RIGHT_TO_LEFT_DIRECTION |
r/w | Paragraph direction. |
paragraphGyoudori | bool | r/w | If true, the gyoudori mode applies to the entire paragraph. If false, the gyoudori mode applies to each line in the paragraph. |
paragraphJustification | ParagraphJustificationOptions: ParagraphJustificationOptions.DEFAULT_JUSTIFICATION ParagraphJustificationOptions.ARABIC_JUSTIFICATION ParagraphJustificationOptions.NASKH_JUSTIFICATION |
r/w | Paragraph justification. |
paragraphs | Paragraphs Paragraph | readonly | A collection of paragraphs. |
parent | Document XMLElement |
readonly | The parent of the Story (a XMLElement or Document). |
pointSize | Measurement Unit (Number or String) | r/w | The text size. |
polygons | Polygons Polygon | readonly | A collection of polygons. |
position | Position: Position.NORMAL Position.SUPERSCRIPT Position.SUBSCRIPT Position.OT_SUPERSCRIPT Position.OT_SUBSCRIPT Position.OT_NUMERATOR Position.OT_DENOMINATOR |
r/w | The text position relative to the baseline. |
positionalForm | PositionalForms: PositionalForms.NONE PositionalForms.CALCULATE PositionalForms.INITIAL PositionalForms.MEDIAL PositionalForms.FINAL PositionalForms.ISOLATED |
r/w | The OpenType positional form. |
preferences | Preferences Preference | readonly | A collection of preferences objects. |
properties | Object | r/w | A property that allows setting of several properties at the same time. |
rectangles | Rectangles Rectangle | readonly | A collection of rectangles. |
rensuuji | bool | r/w | If true, disallows line breaks in numbers. If false, lines can break between digits in multi-digit numbers. |
rightIndent | Measurement Unit (Number or String) | r/w | The width of the right indent. |
rotateSingleByteCharacters | bool | r/w | If true, rotates Roman characters in vertical text. |
rubyAlignment | RubyAlignments: RubyAlignments.RUBY_LEFT RubyAlignments.RUBY_CENTER RubyAlignments.RUBY_RIGHT RubyAlignments.RUBY_FULL_JUSTIFY RubyAlignments.RUBY_JIS RubyAlignments.RUBY_EQUAL_AKI RubyAlignments.RUBY_1_AKI |
r/w | The ruby alignment. |
rubyAutoAlign | bool | r/w | If true, auto aligns ruby. |
rubyAutoScaling | bool | r/w | If true, automatically scales ruby to the specified percent of parent text size. For information on specifying a percent, see ruby parent scaling percent. |
rubyAutoTcyAutoScale | bool | r/w | If true, automatically scales glyphs in auto tcy (tate-chuu-yoko) in ruby to fit one em. |
rubyAutoTcyDigits | number | r/w | The number of digits included in auto tcy (tate-chuu-yoko) in ruby. |
rubyAutoTcyIncludeRoman | bool | r/w | If true, includes Roman characters in auto tcy (tate-chuu-yoko) in ruby. |
rubyFill | String Swatch |
r/w | The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the fill of ruby characters. Can return: Swatch or String. |
rubyFlag | bool | r/w | If true, ruby is on. |
rubyFont | Font String |
r/w | The font applied to ruby characters. Can return: Font or String. |
rubyFontSize | number | r/w | The size (in points) of ruby characters. |
rubyFontStyle | NothingEnum String |
r/w | The font style of ruby characters. Can return: String or NothingEnum enumerator. |
rubyOpenTypePro | bool | r/w | If true, uses OpenType Pro fonts for ruby. |
rubyOverhang | bool | r/w | If true, constrains ruby overhang to the specified amount. For information on specifying an amount, see ruby parent overhang amount. |
rubyOverprintFill | AdornmentOverprint: AdornmentOverprint.AUTO AdornmentOverprint.OVERPRINT_ON AdornmentOverprint.OVERPRINT_OFF |
r/w | The method of overprinting the ruby fill. |
rubyOverprintStroke | AdornmentOverprint: AdornmentOverprint.AUTO AdornmentOverprint.OVERPRINT_ON AdornmentOverprint.OVERPRINT_OFF |
r/w | The method of overprinting the ruby stroke. |
rubyParentOverhangAmount | RubyOverhang: RubyOverhang.NONE RubyOverhang.RUBY_OVERHANG_ONE_RUBY RubyOverhang.RUBY_OVERHANG_HALF_RUBY RubyOverhang.RUBY_OVERHANG_ONE_CHAR RubyOverhang.RUBY_OVERHANG_HALF_CHAR RubyOverhang.RUBY_OVERHANG_NO_LIMIT |
r/w | The amount by which ruby characters can overhang the parent text. |
rubyParentScalingPercent | number | r/w | The amount (as a percentage) to scale the parent text size to determine the ruby text size. |
rubyParentSpacing | RubyParentSpacing: RubyParentSpacing.RUBY_PARENT_NO_ADJUSTMENT RubyParentSpacing.RUBY_PARENT_BOTH_SIDES RubyParentSpacing.RUBY_PARENT_121_AKI RubyParentSpacing.RUBY_PARENT_EQUAL_AKI RubyParentSpacing.RUBY_PARENT_FULL_JUSTIFY |
r/w | The ruby spacing relative to the parent text. |
rubyPosition | RubyKentenPosition: RubyKentenPosition.ABOVE_RIGHT RubyKentenPosition.BELOW_LEFT |
r/w | The position of ruby characters relative to the parent text. |
rubyString | string | r/w | The ruby string contents. |
rubyStroke | String Swatch |
r/w | The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the stroke of ruby characters. Can return: Swatch or String. |
rubyStrokeTint | number | r/w | The stroke tint (as a percentage) of ruby characters. |
rubyTint | number | r/w | The tint (as a percentage) of the ruby fill color. (Range: 0 to 100) |
rubyType | RubyTypes: RubyTypes.GROUP_RUBY RubyTypes.PER_CHARACTER_RUBY |
r/w | The ruby type. |
rubyWeight | number | r/w | The stroke weight (in points) of ruby characters. |
rubyXOffset | number | r/w | The amount of horizontal space between ruby and parent characters. |
rubyXScale | number | r/w | The horizontal size of ruby characters, specified as a percent of the original size. |
rubyYOffset | number | r/w | The amount of vertical space between ruby and parent characters. |
rubyYScale | number | r/w | The vertical size of ruby characters, specified as a percent of the original size. |
ruleAbove | bool | r/w | If true, places a rule above the paragraph. |
ruleAboveColor | String Swatch |
r/w | The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the paragraph rule above. Can return: Swatch or String. |
ruleAboveGapColor | String Swatch |
r/w | The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the stroke gap of the paragraph rule above. Note: Valid only when the paragraph rule above type is not solid. Can return: Swatch or String. |
ruleAboveGapOverprint | bool | r/w | If true, the stroke gap of the paragraph rule above will overprint. Note: Valid only the rule above type is not solid. |
ruleAboveGapTint | number | r/w | The tint (as a percentage) of the stroke gap color of the paragraph rule. (Range: 0 to 100) Note: Valid only when the rule above type is not solid. |
ruleAboveLeftIndent | Measurement Unit (Number or String) | r/w | The distance to indent the left edge of the paragraph rule above (based on either the text width or the column width of the first line in the paragraph. |
ruleAboveLineWeight | Measurement Unit (Number or String) | r/w | The line weight of the rule above. |
ruleAboveOffset | Measurement Unit (Number or String) | r/w | The amount to offset the paragraph rule above from the baseline of the first line the paragraph. |
ruleAboveOverprint | bool | r/w | If true, the paragraph rule above will overprint. |
ruleAboveRightIndent | Measurement Unit (Number or String) | r/w | The distance to indent the right edge of the paragraph rule above (based on either the text width or the column width of the first line in the paragraph. |
ruleAboveTint | number | r/w | The tint (as a percentage) of the paragraph rule above. (Range: 0 to 100) |
ruleAboveType | String StrokeStyle |
r/w | The stroke type of the rule above the paragraph. Can return: StrokeStyle or String. |
ruleAboveWidth | RuleWidth: RuleWidth.TEXT_WIDTH RuleWidth.COLUMN_WIDTH |
r/w | The basis (text width or column width) used to calculate the width of the paragraph rule above. |
ruleBelow | bool | r/w | If true, applies a paragraph rule below. |
ruleBelowColor | String Swatch |
r/w | The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the paragraph rule below. Can return: Swatch or String. |
ruleBelowGapColor | String Swatch |
r/w | The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the stroke gap of the paragraph rule below. Note: Valid only when the paragraph rule below type is not solid. Can return: Swatch or String. |
ruleBelowGapOverprint | bool | r/w | If true, the gap color of the rule below will overprint. |
ruleBelowGapTint | number | r/w | The tint (as a percentage) of the stroke gap color of the paragraph rule below. (Range: 0 to 100) Note: Valid only when the paragraph rule below type is not solid. |
ruleBelowLeftIndent | Measurement Unit (Number or String) | r/w | The distance to indent the left edge of the paragraph rule below (based on either the text width or the column width of the last line in the paragraph. |
ruleBelowLineWeight | Measurement Unit (Number or String) | r/w | The line weight of the rule below. |
ruleBelowOffset | Measurement Unit (Number or String) | r/w | The amount to offset the the paragraph rule below from the baseline of the last line of the paragraph. |
ruleBelowOverprint | bool | r/w | If true, the rule below will overprint. |
ruleBelowRightIndent | Measurement Unit (Number or String) | r/w | The distance to indent the right edge of the paragraph rule below (based on either the text width or the column width of the last line in the paragraph. |
ruleBelowTint | number | r/w | The tint (as a percentage) of the paragraph rule below. (Range: 0 to 100) |
ruleBelowType | String StrokeStyle |
r/w | The stroke type of the rule below the paragraph. Can return: StrokeStyle or String. |
ruleBelowWidth | RuleWidth: RuleWidth.TEXT_WIDTH RuleWidth.COLUMN_WIDTH |
r/w | The basis (text width or column width) used to calculate the width of the paragraph rule below. |
scaleAffectsLineHeight | bool | r/w | If true, the line changes size when characters are scaled. |
shataiAdjustRotation | bool | r/w | If true, applies shatai rotation. |
shataiAdjustTsume | bool | r/w | If true, adjusts shatai tsume. |
shataiDegreeAngle | number | r/w | The shatai lens angle (in degrees). |
shataiMagnification | number | r/w | The amount (as a percentage) of shatai obliquing to apply. |
singleWordJustification | SingleWordJustification: SingleWordJustification.LEFT_ALIGN SingleWordJustification.CENTER_ALIGN SingleWordJustification.RIGHT_ALIGN SingleWordJustification.FULLY_JUSTIFIED |
r/w | The alignment to use for lines that contain a single word. |
skew | number | r/w | The skew angle of the Story. |
spaceAfter | Measurement Unit (Number or String) | r/w | The height of the paragraph space below. |
spaceBefore | Measurement Unit (Number or String) | r/w | The height of the paragraph space above. |
spanColumnMinSpaceAfter | Measurement Unit (Number or String) | r/w | The minimum space after a span or a split column |
spanColumnMinSpaceBefore | Measurement Unit (Number or String) | r/w | The minimum space before a span or a split column |
spanColumnType | SpanColumnTypeOptions: SpanColumnTypeOptions.SINGLE_COLUMN SpanColumnTypeOptions.SPAN_COLUMNS SpanColumnTypeOptions.SPLIT_COLUMNS |
r/w | Whether a paragraph should be a single column, span columns or split columns |
spanSplitColumnCount | Short Integer (1 - 40) SpanColumnCountOptions |
r/w | The number of columns a paragraph spans or the number of split columns. Can return: Short Integer (1 - 40) or SpanColumnCountOptions enumerator. |
splineItems | SplineItems SplineItem | readonly | The spline items collection. |
splitColumnInsideGutter | Measurement Unit (Number or String) | r/w | The inside gutter if the paragraph splits columns |
splitColumnOutsideGutter | Measurement Unit (Number or String) | r/w | The outside gutter if the paragraph splits columns |
startParagraph | StartParagraph: StartParagraph.ANYWHERE StartParagraph.NEXT_COLUMN StartParagraph.NEXT_FRAME StartParagraph.NEXT_PAGE StartParagraph.NEXT_ODD_PAGE StartParagraph.NEXT_EVEN_PAGE |
r/w | The location at which to start the paragraph. |
storyPreferences | StoryPreference | readonly | Story preference settings. |
storyTitle | string | r/w | Title for this InCopy story. |
storyType | StoryTypes: StoryTypes.REGULAR_STORY StoryTypes.TOC_STORY StoryTypes.INDEXING_STORY |
readonly | The type of story. |
strikeThroughColor | String Swatch |
r/w | The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the strikethrough stroke. Can return: Swatch or String. |
strikeThroughGapColor | String Swatch |
r/w | The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the gap of the strikethrough stroke. Can return: Swatch or String. |
strikeThroughGapOverprint | bool | r/w | If true, the gap color of the strikethrough stroke will overprint. Note: Valid when strike through type is not solid. |
strikeThroughGapTint | number | r/w | The tint (as a percentage) of the strikethrough stroke gap color. (Range: 0 to 100) Note: Valid when strike through type is not solid. |
strikeThroughOffset | Measurement Unit (Number or String) | r/w | The amount by which to offset the strikethrough stroke from the text baseline. |
strikeThroughOverprint | bool | r/w | If true, the strikethrough stroke will overprint. |
strikeThroughTint | number | r/w | The tint (as a percentage) of the strikethrough stroke. (Range: 0 to 100) |
strikeThroughType | String StrokeStyle |
r/w | The stroke type of the strikethrough stroke. Can return: StrokeStyle or String. |
strikeThroughWeight | Measurement Unit (Number or String) | r/w | The stroke weight of the strikethrough stroke. |
strikeThru | bool | r/w | If true, draws a strikethrough line through the text. |
strokeAlignment | TextStrokeAlign: TextStrokeAlign.CENTER_ALIGNMENT TextStrokeAlign.OUTSIDE_ALIGNMENT |
r/w | The stroke alignment applied to the text. |
strokeColor | String Swatch |
r/w | The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the stroke of the Story. Can also accept: String. |
strokeTint | number | r/w | The tint (as a percentage) of the stroke color of the Story. (To specify a tint percentage, use a number in the range of 0 to 100; to use the inherited or overridden value, use -1.) |
strokeWeight | Measurement Unit (Number or String) | r/w | The stroke weight applied to the characters of the text. |
styleOverridden | bool | readonly | If true, the applied style has been overridden with additional attributes. |
tabList | Array of Arrays of Property Name/Value Pairs |
r/w | A list of the tab stops in the paragraph. Can return: Array of Arrays of Property Name/Value Pairs. |
tabStops | TabStops TabStop | readonly | A collection of tab stops. |
tables | Tables Table | readonly | A collection of tables. |
tatechuyoko | bool | r/w | If true, makes the character horizontal in vertical text. |
tatechuyokoXOffset | number | r/w | The horizontal offset for horizontal characters in vertical text. |
tatechuyokoYOffset | number | r/w | The vertical offset for horizontal characters in vertical text. |
textColumns | TextColumns TextColumn | readonly | A collection of text columns. |
textContainers | Array of TextFrames TextPaths |
readonly | Array of text frames or text paths. Can return: Array of TextFrames or TextPaths. |
textFrames | TextFrames TextFrame | readonly | A collection of text frames. |
textStyleRanges | TextStyleRanges TextStyleRange | readonly | A collection of text style ranges. |
textVariableInstances | TextVariableInstances TextVariableInstance | readonly | A collection of text variable instances. |
texts | Texts Text | readonly | A collection of text objects. |
trackChanges | bool | r/w | If true, track changes is turned on. |
tracking | number | r/w | The amount by which to loosen or tighten a block of text, specified in thousands of an em. |
trailingAki | number | r/w | The amount of space after each character. |
treatIdeographicSpaceAsSpace | bool | r/w | If true, ideographic spaces will not wrap to the next line like text characters. |
tsume | number | r/w | The amount of horizontal character compression. |
underline | bool | r/w | If true, underlines the text. |
underlineColor | String Swatch |
r/w | The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the underline stroke. . Can return: Swatch or String. |
underlineGapColor | String Swatch |
r/w | The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the gap of the underline stroke. Note: Valid when underline type is not solid. Can return: Swatch or String. |
underlineGapOverprint | bool | r/w | If true, the gap color of the underline stroke will overprint. |
underlineGapTint | number | r/w | The tint (as a percentage) of the gap color of the underline stroke. (Range: 0 to 100) Note: Valid when underline type is not solid. |
underlineOffset | Measurement Unit (Number or String) | r/w | The amount by which to offset the underline from the text baseline. |
underlineOverprint | bool | r/w | If true, the underline stroke color will overprint. |
underlineTint | number | r/w | The underline stroke tint (as a percentage). (Range: 0 to 100) |
underlineType | String StrokeStyle |
r/w | The stroke type of the underline stroke. Can return: StrokeStyle or String. |
underlineWeight | Measurement Unit (Number or String) | r/w | The stroke weight of the underline stroke. |
verticalScale | number | r/w | The vertical scaling applied to the Story. |
warichu | bool | r/w | If true, turns on warichu. |
warichuAlignment | WarichuAlignment: WarichuAlignment.AUTO WarichuAlignment.LEFT_ALIGN WarichuAlignment.CENTER_ALIGN WarichuAlignment.RIGHT_ALIGN WarichuAlignment.FULLY_JUSTIFIED WarichuAlignment.LEFT_JUSTIFIED WarichuAlignment.CENTER_JUSTIFIED WarichuAlignment.RIGHT_JUSTIFIED |
r/w | The warichu alignment. |
warichuCharsAfterBreak | number | r/w | The minimum number of characters allowed after a line break. |
warichuCharsBeforeBreak | number | r/w | The minimum number of characters allowed before a line break. |
warichuLineSpacing | number | r/w | The gap between lines of warichu characters. |
warichuLines | number | r/w | The number of lines of warichu within a single normal line. |
warichuSize | number | r/w | The amount (as a percentage) to scale parent text size to determine warichu size. |
words | Words Word | readonly | A collection of words. |
xOffsetDiacritic | number | r/w | The x (horizontal) offset for diacritic adjustment. |
yOffsetDiacritic | number | r/w | The y (vertical) offset for diacritic adjustment. |
Property | Type | Access | Description |
AFTER_PLACE | string | readonly | Dispatched after a Story is placed. This event bubbles. This event is not cancelable. (default: afterPlace) |
BEFORE_PLACE | string | readonly | Dispatched before a Story is placed. This event bubbles. This event is cancelable. (default: beforePlace) |
EventListener addEventListener (eventType:
string, handler:
varies[, captures:
Adds an event listener.
Parameter | Type | Description |
eventType | string | The event type. |
handler | File JavaScript Function | The event handler. Can accept: File or JavaScript Function. |
captures | bool | This parameter is obsolete. (Optional) (default: false) |
void autoTag ()
Tag the object or the parent story using default tags defined in XML preference.
Array of Text changeGlyph ([reverseOrder:
Finds glyphs that match the find what value and replaces the glyphs with the change to value.
Parameter | Type | Description |
reverseOrder | bool | If true, returns the results in reverse order. (Optional) |
Array of Text changeGrep ([reverseOrder:
Finds text that matches the find what value and replaces the text with the change to value.
Parameter | Type | Description |
reverseOrder | bool | If true, returns the results in reverse order. (Optional) |
Array of Text changeText ([reverseOrder:
Finds text that matches the find what value and replaces the text with the change to value.
Parameter | Type | Description |
reverseOrder | bool | If true, returns the results in reverse order. (Optional) |
Array of Text changeTransliterate ([reverseOrder:
Finds text that matches the find character type value and replaces the text with the change character type value.
Parameter | Type | Description |
reverseOrder | bool | If true, returns the results in reverse order. (Optional) |
void changecase (using:
Sets the case of the text.
Parameter | Type | Description |
using | ChangecaseMode: ChangecaseMode.UPPERCASE ChangecaseMode.LOWERCASE ChangecaseMode.TITLECASE ChangecaseMode.SENTENCECASE | The text case option. |
bool checkIn ([versionComments:
string][, forceSave:
Checks in the story or stories.
Parameter | Type | Description |
versionComments | string | The comment for this version. (Optional) |
forceSave | bool | If true, forcibly saves a version. (Optional) (default: false) |
bool checkOut ()
Checks out the story.
void clearOverrides ([overridesToClear:
Clears the specified types of override.
Parameter | Type | Description |
overridesToClear | OverrideType: OverrideType.ALL OverrideType.CHARACTER_ONLY OverrideType.PARAGRAPH_ONLY | The types of override to clear. (Optional) (default: OverrideType.ALL) |
void convertBulletsAndNumberingToText ()
Convert bullets and numbering to text.
Array of PageItem createOutlines ([deleteOriginal:
Converts text to outlines. Each line of text becomes a polygon object. When the converted text is a single letter that has no internal spaces or detached parts, the polygon contains only a single path. Note: To determine whether a font allows the creation of outlines, see allow outlines.
Parameter | Type | Description |
deleteOriginal | bool | If true, deletes the original text. If false, creates the outlines as separate object(s) on top of the text. (Optional) (default: true) |
Text duplicate (to:
LocationOptions[, reference:
Duplicates the text in the specified location.
Parameter | Type | Description |
to | LocationOptions: LocationOptions.BEFORE LocationOptions.AFTER LocationOptions.AT_END LocationOptions.AT_BEGINNING LocationOptions.UNKNOWN | The location relative to the reference object or within the containing object. |
reference | Cell Column PageItem Row Story Table Text | The reference object. Note: Required when the to parameter specifies before or after. Can accept: Text, Story, Cell, Row, Column, Table or PageItem. (Optional) |
void exportFile (format:
varies, to:
File[, using:
PDFExportPreset][, versionComments:
string][, forceSave:
Exports the object(s) to a file.
Parameter | Type | Description |
format | ExportFormat String | The export format, specified as an enumeration value or as an extension that appears in the Save as type or Format menu in the Export dialog. Can accept: ExportFormat enumerator or String. |
to | File | The path to the export file. |
using | PDFExportPreset | The export style. (Optional) |
versionComments | string | The comment for this version. (Optional) |
forceSave | bool | If true, forcibly saves a version. (Optional) (default: false) |
string extractLabel (key:
Gets the label value associated with the specified key.
Parameter | Type | Description |
key | string | The key. |
Array of Text findGlyph ([reverseOrder:
Finds glyphs that match the find what value.
Parameter | Type | Description |
reverseOrder | bool | If true, returns the results in reverse order. (Optional) |
Array of Text findGrep ([reverseOrder:
Finds text that matches the find what value.
Parameter | Type | Description |
reverseOrder | bool | If true, returns the results in reverse order. (Optional) |
Array of Text findText ([reverseOrder:
Finds text that matches the find what value.
Parameter | Type | Description |
reverseOrder | bool | If true, returns the results in reverse order. (Optional) |
Array of Text findTransliterate ([reverseOrder:
Finds text that matches the find character type value.
Parameter | Type | Description |
reverseOrder | bool | If true, returns the results in reverse order. (Optional) |
Array of Story getElements ()
Resolves the object specifier, creating an array of object references.
void insertLabel (key:
string, value:
Sets the label to the value associated with the specified key.
Parameter | Type | Description |
key | string | The key. |
value | string | The value. |
void markup (using:
Associates the page item with the specified XML element while preserving existing content.
Parameter | Type | Description |
using | XMLElement | The XML element. |
Text move (to:
LocationOptions[, reference:
Moves the text to the specified location.
Parameter | Type | Description |
to | LocationOptions: LocationOptions.BEFORE LocationOptions.AFTER LocationOptions.AT_END LocationOptions.AT_BEGINNING LocationOptions.UNKNOWN | The location relative to the reference object or within the containing object. |
reference | Cell Column PageItem Row Story Table Text | The reference object. Note: Required when the to parameter specifies before or after. Can accept: Text, Story, Cell, Row, Column, Table or PageItem. (Optional) |
void placeXML (using:
Places XML content into the specified object. Note: Replaces any existing content.
Parameter | Type | Description |
using | XMLElement | The XML element whose content you want to place. |
void recompose ()
Recomposes the text in the Story.
void remove ()
Deletes the Story.
bool removeEventListener (eventType:
string, handler:
varies[, captures:
Removes the event listener.
Parameter | Type | Description |
eventType | string | The registered event type. |
handler | File JavaScript Function | The registered event handler. Can accept: File or JavaScript Function. |
captures | bool | This parameter is obsolete. (Optional) (default: false) |
bool revert ()
Reverts the document to its state at the last save operation.
string toSource ()
Generates a string which, if executed, will return the Story.
Element of
Used in:
DataMergeTextPlaceholder DataMergeTextPlaceholders.add (parentStory: Story, storyOffset: varies, field: DataMergeField[, withProperties: Object])
void Document.placeAndLink (parentStory: Story[, showingOptions: bool=false])
Story MasterSpread.placeAndLink (parentStory: Story[, placePoint: Array of Measurement Unit (Number or String)][, destinationLayer: Layer][, showingOptions: bool=false])
Story Page.placeAndLink (parentStory: Story[, placePoint: Array of Measurement Unit (Number or String)][, destinationLayer: Layer][, showingOptions: bool=false])
Story Spread.placeAndLink (parentStory: Story[, placePoint: Array of Measurement Unit (Number or String)][, destinationLayer: Layer][, showingOptions: bool=false])
Story Stories.nextItem (obj: Story)
Story Stories.previousItem (obj: Story)
Story TextFrame.placeAndLink (parentStory: Story[, showingOptions: bool=false])
Array of Story Document.createTOC (using: TOCStyle[, replacing: bool=false][, fromBook: Book][, placePoint: Array of Measurement Unit (Number or String)][, includeOverset: bool=false][, destinationLayer: Layer])
Array of Story Index.generate ([on: varies][, placePoint: Array of Measurement Unit (Number or String)][, destinationLayer: Layer][, autoflowing: bool=false][, includeOverset: bool=false])
Story MasterSpread.placeAndLink (parentStory: Story[, placePoint: Array of Measurement Unit (Number or String)][, destinationLayer: Layer][, showingOptions: bool=false])
Story Page.placeAndLink (parentStory: Story[, placePoint: Array of Measurement Unit (Number or String)][, destinationLayer: Layer][, showingOptions: bool=false])
Story Spread.placeAndLink (parentStory: Story[, placePoint: Array of Measurement Unit (Number or String)][, destinationLayer: Layer][, showingOptions: bool=false])
Story Stories.[] (index: number)
Story Stories.anyItem ()
Array of Story Stories.everyItem ()
Story Stories.firstItem ()
Story Stories.item (index: varies)
Story Stories.itemByID (id: number)
Story Stories.itemByName (name: string)
Array of Story Stories.itemByRange (from: varies, to: varies)
Story Stories.lastItem ()
Story Stories.middleItem ()
Story Stories.nextItem (obj: Story)
Story Stories.previousItem (obj: Story)
Array of Story Story.getElements ()
Story TextFrame.placeAndLink (parentStory: Story[, showingOptions: bool=false])
Jongware, 28-Apr-2012 v3.0.3i | Contents :: Index |