Adobe InCopy CS6 (8.0) Object Model JS: RenderingIntent

InCopy CS6

 Rendering intent options.


RenderingIntent.ABSOLUTE_COLORIMETRICMaintains color accuracy at the expense of preserving relationships between colors; most suitable for previewing how paper color affects printed colors.1380540771 = 'RIac'
RenderingIntent.PERCEPTUALPreserves the visual relationship between colors at the expense of actual color values; most suitable for photographic images with high percentages of out-of-gamut colors.1380544611 = 'RIpc'
RenderingIntent.RELATIVE_COLORIMETRICCompares the extreme highlight of the source color space to that of the desination color space and shifts all colors accordingly; out-of-gamut colors are shifted to the closest reproducible color in the destination color space.1380545123 = 'RIrc'
RenderingIntent.SATURATIONProduces vivid colors at the expense of color accuracy; most suitable for business graphics such as graphs or charts.1380545377 = 'RIsa'
RenderingIntent.USE_COLOR_SETTINGSUses the current color settings.1380541299 = 'RIcs'


Jongware, 29-Apr-2012 v3.0.3iContents :: Index