Adobe InCopy CS6 (8.0) Object Model JS: FontDownloading

InCopy CS6

 Options for downloading fonts to the printer.


FontDownloading.COMPLETEDownloads all fonts once per page.2003332197 = 'whle'
FontDownloading.NONEDownloads only references to fonts. Note: Use when fonts reside in the printer.1852796517 = 'none'
FontDownloading.SUBSETDownloads only the characters (glyphs) used in the document. Glyphs are downloaded once per page.1768842098 = 'incr'
FontDownloading.SUBSET_LARGEDownloads only the characters (glyphs) used in the document. Glyphs are downloaded once per page. Note: Use when the number of glyphs exceeds 350.1818325607 = 'larg'


Jongware, 29-Apr-2012 v3.0.3iContents :: Index