
IUP - Portable User Interface


Defines an attribute for the global environment. If the driver process the attribute then it will not be stored internally.


void IupStoreGlobal(const char *name, const char *value); [in C]
iup.StoreGlobal(name: string, value: string) [in Lua] 

name: name of the attribute.
value: value of the attribute. If it equals NULL (nil in Lua), the attribute will be removed.


The difference betwwen IupSetGlobal and IupStoreGlobal is the same of IupSetAttribute and IupStoreAttribute. In the Store functions the value is duplicated internally. In the IupStoreGlobal is duplicated only if not processed by the driver.

The application can also store any private attribute in the global environment.

IupStoreAttribute can also be used to set global attributes, just set the element to NULL.

See Also

IupSetAttribute, IupGetGlobal, IupSetGlobal