
IUP - Portable User Interface

System Guide


Before running any of IUP�s functions, function IupOpen must be run to initialize the toolkit.

After running the last IUP function, function IupClose must be run so that the toolkit can free internal memory and close the interface system.

Executing these functions in this order is crucial for the correct functioning of the toolkit.

Between calls to the IupOpen and IupClose functions, the application can create dialogs and display them.

Therefore, usually an application employing IUP will have a code in the main function similar to the following:

void main(void)
  if (IupOpen() == IUP_ERROR)
    fprintf(stderr, "Error Opening IUP.")


IupLua Initialization

Before running any function from the Lua Binding, you must run the iuplua_open function to initialize the toolkit. This function must be run after a call to function IupOpen. All this is done in C in Lua�s host program.


int main(void)

  /* Lua 3.2 initialization (could be Lua 4.0 or Lua 5.0) */

  iuplua_open();      /* Initialize Binding Lua */
  controlslua_open(); /* Inicialize CPI controls binding Lua */

  return 0;


LED is a dialog-specification language whose purpose is not to be a complete programming language, but rather to make dialog specification simpler than in C.

In LED, attributes and expressions follow this form:

elem = element[attribute1=value1,attribute2=value2,...](...expression...)

The names of the elements must not contain the �iup� prefix. Attribute values are always interpreted as strings, but they need to be in quotes (���) only when they include spaces. The �IUP_� prefix must not be added to the names of the attributes and predefined values. Expressions contain parameters for creating the element.

In LED there is no distinction between upper and lower case, except for attribute names.

Though the LED files are text files, there is no way to interpret a text in memory � there is only the IupLoad function, which loads a LED file and creates the IUP elements defined in it. Naturally, the same file cannot be loaded more than once, because the elements would be created again. This file interpretation does not map the elements to the native system.

The LED files are dynamically loaded and must be sent together with the application�s executable. However, this often becomes an inconvenience. To deal with it, there is the LEDC compiler that creates a C module from the LED contents.

To simply view a LED file objects use the LED viewer application, see IupView in the applications included in the distribution

available at the Download.


The Lua Binding is an interface between the Lua language and IUP, a portable user-interface system. The main purpose of this package is to provide facilities for constructing IUP dialogs using the Lua language. Abstractions were used to create a programming environment similar to that of object-oriented languages, even though Lua is not one of such languages. The concept of event-oriented programming is broadly used here, because the IUP library is based on this model. Most constructions used in IupLua were strongly based on the corresponding constructions in LED.

In IupLua5, attributes and expressions follow this form:

elem = iup.element{...expression...; attribute1=value1,attribute2=value2,...}

The names of element creation functions are in lower case, since they are actually constructors of Lua tables.

Callbacks can be implemented directly in Lua see Events and Callbacks Guide.

Even though there are sintatic sugars used to handle callbacks and attributes in Lua, most of the functions defined in C are exported to Lua, such as IupSetAttribute, IupGetBrother among others.

In IupLua5 we follow the same organization of the Lua libraries using the namespace before all the definitions.

  • All exported functions are accessed only through iup.FunctionName, including control initialization like iup.label.
  • All callbacks in are access through their exact name in the C API.
  • Numeric definitions where kept in upper case by without the IUP_ prefix, like: iup.DEFAULT.
  • String definitions for values are no longer supported, always use "YES", "NO", "ACENTER", etc.

IUP�s binding for Lua was made a posteriori and completely replaces the LED files. Besides, Lua is a complete language, so a good deal of the application can be implemented with it. However, this means that the application must link its program to the Lua and to the IupLua libraries, as well as the IUP library.

The Lua files are dynamically loaded and must be sent together with the application�s executable. However, this often becomes an inconvenience. To deal with it, there is the LuaC compiler that creates a C module from the Lua contents. For example:

luac -o myfile.lo myfile.lua
bin2c myfile.lo > myfile.loh

In C, you can used a define to interchanged the use of .LOH files:

#ifdef _DEBUG
  ret_val = iuplua_dofile("myfile.lua");
#include "myfile.loh"

The distribution files include two executables, one for Lua 3 (IupLua) and one for Lua 5 (IupLua5), that you can use to test your Lua code. Both applications have support for all the addicional controls and are

available at the Download.