IUP - Portable User Interface

Additional Controls

Controls Library

Most of the addicional controls are included in only one library. Some of these controls are drawn by IUP and are not native controls.

The iupcontrols.h file must be included in the source code. If you plan to use the control in Lua, you should also include luacontrols.h.

The IupControlsOpen function must be called after IupOpen. To make the controls available in Lua, use the initialization function in C, controlslua_open, after calling iuplua_open.

Your application must be linked to the CPI control library (iupcontrols.lib on Windows and libiupcontrols.a on Unix), and with the CD library. To use its bindings to Lua, the program must also be linked to the luacontrol’s libraries (luacontrols.lib on Windows and libluacontrols.a on Unix).

When closing the application, the user must call the function IupControlsClose() to free the resources used.

OpenGL Canvas

The drawing canvas compatible with OpenGL is called IupGLCanvas.

Speech Control

Creates a speech engine that allows speech recognition and speech. Uses Microsoft Speech SDK 5.1. See IupSpeech.