Image Statistics Calculations
[Image Processing]
Detailed Description
- Operations to calculate some statistics over images.
- See im_process_ana.h
Data Structures | |
struct | _imStats |
Typedefs | |
typedef _imStats | imStats |
Functions | |
float | imCalcRMSError (const imImage *image1, const imImage *image2) |
float | imCalcSNR (const imImage *src_image, const imImage *noise_image) |
unsigned long | imCalcCountColors (const imImage *image) |
void | imCalcHistogram (const unsigned char *data, int count, unsigned long *histo, int cumulative) |
void | imCalcUShortHistogram (const unsigned short *data, int count, unsigned long *histo, int cumulative) |
void | imCalcGrayHistogram (const imImage *image, unsigned long *histo, int cumulative) |
void | imCalcImageStatistics (const imImage *image, imStats *stats) |
void | imCalcHistogramStatistics (const imImage *image, imStats *stats) |
void | imCalcHistoImageStatistics (const imImage *image, int *median, int *mode) |
Typedef Documentation
Numerical Statistics Structure |
Function Documentation
Calculates the RMS error between two images (Root Mean Square Error).
im.CalcRMSError(image1: imImage, image2: imImage) -> rms: number [in Lua 5] |
Calculates the SNR of an image and its noise (Signal Noise Ratio).
im.CalcSNR(src_image: imImage, noise_image: imImage) -> snr: number [in Lua 5] |
Count the number of different colors in an image.
im.CalcCountColors(image: imImage) -> count: number [in Lua 5] |
Calculates the histogram of a IM_BYTE data.
im.CalcHistogram(image: imImage, plane: number, cumulative: number) -> histo: table of numbers [in Lua 5] The returned table is zero indexed. image can be IM_USHORT or IM_BYTE. |
Calculates the histogram of a IM_USHORT data. |
Calculates the gray histogram of an image.
im.CalcGrayHistogram(image: imImage, cumulative: number) -> histo: table of numbers [in Lua 5] |
Calculates the statistics about the image data.
im.CalcImageStatistics(image: imImage) -> stats: table [in Lua 5] |
Calculates the statistics about the image histogram data.
im.CalcHistogramStatistics(image: imImage) -> stats: table [in Lua 5] |
Calculates some extra statistics about the image histogram data.
im.CalcHistoImageStatistics(image: imImage) -> median: number, mode: number [in Lua 5] |