IM: Image Capture

IM - An Imaging Tool

Image Capture

Detailed Description

Functions to capture images from live video devices.
See im_capture.h


 Windows Attributes Names


int imVideoCaptureDeviceCount (void)
const char * imVideoCaptureDeviceDesc (int device)
int imVideoCaptureReloadDevices (void)
imVideoCapture * imVideoCaptureCreate (void)
void imVideoCaptureDestroy (imVideoCapture *vc)
int imVideoCaptureConnect (imVideoCapture *vc, int device)
void imVideoCaptureDisconnect (imVideoCapture *vc)
int imVideoCaptureDialogCount (imVideoCapture *vc)
int imVideoCaptureShowDialog (imVideoCapture *vc, int dialog, void *parent)
const char * imVideoCaptureDialogDesc (imVideoCapture *vc, int dialog)
int imVideoCaptureFormatCount (imVideoCapture *vc)
int imVideoCaptureGetFormat (imVideoCapture *vc, int format, int *width, int *height, char *desc)
int imVideoCaptureSetFormat (imVideoCapture *vc, int format)
void imVideoCaptureGetImageSize (imVideoCapture *vc, int *width, int *height)
int imVideoCaptureSetImageSize (imVideoCapture *vc, int width, int height)
int imVideoCaptureFrame (imVideoCapture *vc, unsigned char *data, int color_mode, int timeout)
int imVideoCaptureOneFrame (imVideoCapture *vc, unsigned char *data, int color_mode)
int imVideoCaptureLive (imVideoCapture *vc, int live)
int imVideoCaptureResetAttribute (imVideoCapture *vc, const char *attrib, int fauto)
int imVideoCaptureGetAttribute (imVideoCapture *vc, const char *attrib, float *percent)
int imVideoCaptureSetAttribute (imVideoCapture *vc, const char *attrib, float percent)
const char ** imVideoCaptureGetAttributeList (imVideoCapture *vc, int *num_attrib)

Function Documentation

int imVideoCaptureDeviceCount void   ) 

Returns the number of available devices.

im.VideoCaptureDeviceCount() -> count: number [in Lua 5] 

const char* imVideoCaptureDeviceDesc int  device  ) 

Returns the device description. Returns NULL in the last device.

im.VideoCaptureDeviceDesc(device: number) -> desc: string [in Lua 5] 

int imVideoCaptureReloadDevices void   ) 

Reload the device list. The devices can be dynamically removed or added to the system. Returns the number of available devices.

im.imVideoCaptureReloadDevices() -> count: number [in Lua 5] 

imVideoCapture* imVideoCaptureCreate void   ) 

Creates a new imVideoCapture object.
Returns NULL if there is no capture device available.
In Windows returns NULL if DirectX version is older than 8.

im.VideoCaptureCreate() -> vc: imVideoCapture [in Lua 5] 

void imVideoCaptureDestroy imVideoCapture *  vc  ) 

Destroys a imVideoCapture object.

im.VideoCaptureDestroy(vc: imVideoCapture) [in Lua 5] 
vc:Destroy() [in Lua 5] 

int imVideoCaptureConnect imVideoCapture *  vc,
int  device

Connects to a capture device. More than one imVideoCapture object can be created but they must be connected to different devices.
If the object is conected it will disconnect first.
Use -1 to return the current connected device, in this case returns -1 if not connected.
Returns zero if failed.

vc:Connect([device: number]) -> ret: number [in Lua 5] 

void imVideoCaptureDisconnect imVideoCapture *  vc  ) 

Disconnect from a capture device.

vc:Disconnect() [in Lua 5] 

int imVideoCaptureDialogCount imVideoCapture *  vc  ) 

Returns the number of available configuration dialogs.

vc:DialogCount() -> count: number [in Lua 5] 

int imVideoCaptureShowDialog imVideoCapture *  vc,
int  dialog,
void *  parent

Displays a configuration modal dialog of the connected device.
In Windows, the capturing will be stopped in some cases.
In Windows parent is a HWND of a parent window, it can be NULL.
dialog can be from 0 to imVideoCaptureDialogCount.
Returns zero if failed.

vc:ShowDialog(dialog: number, parent: userdata) -> error: number [in Lua 5] 

const char* imVideoCaptureDialogDesc imVideoCapture *  vc,
int  dialog

Returns the description of a configuration dialog. dialog can be from 0 to imVideoCaptureDialogCount.

vc:DialogDesc(dialog: number) -> desc: string [in Lua 5] 

int imVideoCaptureFormatCount imVideoCapture *  vc  ) 

Returns the number of available video formats.
Returns zero if failed.

vc:FormatCount() -> error: number [in Lua 5] 

int imVideoCaptureGetFormat imVideoCapture *  vc,
int  format,
int *  width,
int *  height,
char *  desc

Returns information about the video format.
format can be from 0 to imVideoCaptureFormatCount.
desc should be of size 10.
The image size is usually the maximum size for that format. Other sizes can be available using imVideoCaptureSetImageSize.
Returns zero if failed.

vc:GetFormat(format: number) -> error: number, width: number, height: number, desc: string [in Lua 5] 

int imVideoCaptureSetFormat imVideoCapture *  vc,
int  format

Changes the video format of the connected device.
Should NOT work for DV devices. Use imVideoCaptureSetImageSize only.
Use -1 to return the current format, in this case returns -1 if failed.
When the format is changed in the dialog, for some formats the returned format is the preferred format, not the current format.
This will not affect color_mode of the capture image.
Returns zero if failed.

vc:SetFormat(format: number) -> error: number [in Lua 5] 

void imVideoCaptureGetImageSize imVideoCapture *  vc,
int *  width,
int *  height

Returns the current image size of the connected device.
width and height returns 0 if not connected.

vc:GetImageSize() -> width: number, height: number [in Lua 5] 

int imVideoCaptureSetImageSize imVideoCapture *  vc,
int  width,
int  height

Changes the image size of the connected device.
Similar to imVideoCaptureSetFormat, but changes only the size.
Valid sizes can be obtained with imVideoCaptureGetFormat.
Returns zero if failed.

vc:SetImageSize(width: number, height: number) -> error: number [in Lua 5] 

int imVideoCaptureFrame imVideoCapture *  vc,
unsigned char *  data,
int  color_mode,
int  timeout

Returns a new captured frame. Use -1 for infinite timeout.
Color space can be IM_RGB or IM_GRAY, and mode can be packed (IM_PACKED) or not.
It can not have an alpha channel and orientation is always bottom up.
Returns zero if failed or timeout expired, the buffer is not changed.

vc:Frame(image: imImage, timeout: number) -> error: number [in Lua 5] 

int imVideoCaptureOneFrame imVideoCapture *  vc,
unsigned char *  data,
int  color_mode

Start capturing, returns the new captured frame and stop capturing.
This is more usefull if you are switching between devices.
Data format is the same as imVideoCaptureFrame.
Returns zero if failed.

vc:OneFrame(image: imImage) -> error: number [in Lua 5] 

int imVideoCaptureLive imVideoCapture *  vc,
int  live

Start capturing.
Use -1 to return the current state.
Returns zero if failed.

vc:Live(live: number) -> error: number [in Lua 5] 

int imVideoCaptureResetAttribute imVideoCapture *  vc,
const char *  attrib,
int  fauto

Resets a camera or video attribute to the default value or to the automatic setting.
Not all attributes support automatic modes.
Returns zero if failed.

vc:ResetAttribute(attrib: string, fauto: number) -> error: number [in Lua 5] 

int imVideoCaptureGetAttribute imVideoCapture *  vc,
const char *  attrib,
float *  percent

Returns a camera or video attribute in percentage of the valid range value.
Returns zero if failed.

vc:GetAttribute(attrib: string) -> error: number, percent: number [in Lua 5] 

int imVideoCaptureSetAttribute imVideoCapture *  vc,
const char *  attrib,
float  percent

Changes a camera or video attribute in percentage of the valid range value.
Returns zero if failed.

vc:SetAttribute(attrib: string, percent: number) -> error: number [in Lua 5] 

const char** imVideoCaptureGetAttributeList imVideoCapture *  vc,
int *  num_attrib

Returns a list of the description of the valid attributes.

vc:GetAttributeList() -> attrib_list: table of strings [in Lua 5]