Tecgraf/PUC-Rio Library Download

IM - An Imaging Tool

Tecgraf/PUC-Rio Library Download Tips

All the libraries were build using Tecmake. Please use it if you intend to recompile the sources. Tecmake can be found at http://www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/tecmake.

Executables are linked statically in all platforms to make distribution and execution simpler. Libraries are built with speed optimization. The source code with the "config.mak" files for Tecmake are also available for download.

The DLLs are not compatible with Visual Basic or Delphi. They do not use the stdcall calling convention.
By decision, in Visual C++ we use the single thread C Run Time Library for static libraries and the multi thread C RTL for DLLs.

The documentation files does not include the CHM and PDF versions. They are provided only as a separate download.

The IM files can be downloaded at http://luaforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=86.
The CD files can be downloaded at http://luaforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=88.
The IUP files can be downloaded at http://luaforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=89.
The Lua files can be downloaded at http://luaforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=110.

Binaries Description

AIX43  IBM AIX 4.3 (ppc) / gcc 2.95.2 / Motif 2.1.0
AIX43cc  IBM AIX 4.3 (ppc) / cc 4.4 / Motif 2.1.0
IRIX65  SGI IRIX 6.5 (mips) / gcc 3.0.4 / Motif 2.1.20
IRIX6465  SGI IRIX 6.5 (mips) (64 bits OS, but libs are still 32 bits) / gcc 3.0.4 / Motif 1.2.4
IRIX6465cc  SGI IRIX 6.5 (mips) ( " ) / cc MIPSpro 7.30 / Motif 1.2.4
Linux24  Red Hat 7.3 (x86) / Kernel 2.4 / gcc 2.95.3 / Open Motif 2.1.30
Linux24g3  Red Hat E.L. WS 3 (x86) / Kernel 2.4 / gcc 3.2.3 / Open Motif 2.2.3
Linux24g3_64   Red Hat E.L. WS 3 (x86_64) / Kernel 2.4 / gcc 3.2.3 / Open Motif 2.2.3
Linux26  Fedora Core 3 (x86) / Kernel 2.6 / gcc 3.4.2 / Open Motif 2.2.3
SunOS57  Sun Solaris 7 (sparc) / gcc 2.95.2 / Motif 2.1.0
SunOS57cc  Sun Solaris 7 (sparc) / cc 5.2 (Sun WorkShop 6 update 1) / Motif 2.1.0
SunOS58  Sun Solaris 8 (sparc) / gcc 2.95.3 / Motif 2.1.0
FreBSD54  Free BSD 5.4 (x86) / gcc 3.4.2 / Motif 2.2.3
Darwin78  Mac OS X 10.3.8 (ppc) / Darwin Kernel Version 7.8.0 / gcc 3.3
Darwin79  Mac OS X 10.3.9 (ppc) / Darwin Kernel Version 7.9.0 / gcc 3.3
Darwin80  Mac OS X 10.4.0 (ppc) / Darwin Kernel Version 8.0.0 / gcc 4.0
dll  built using vc6, creates dependency with MSVCRT.DLL (either other libraries or new applications).
dll7  built using vc7, creates dependency with MSVCR71.DLL (either other libraries or new applications).
vc6  Microsoft Visual C++ 6 (static RTL/single thread)
vc7  Microsoft Visual C++ 7.1 (.NET 2003) (static RTL/single thread)
owc1  Open Watcom 1.x - http://www.openwatcom.org/
gcc3  Cygwin gcc 3.2 - http://www.cygwin.com/
mingw3  MingW gcc 3.2 - http://www.mingw.org/
 Also compatible with Dev-C++ http://www.bloodshed.net/devcpp.html
bc55  Borland C++ 5.5.1 Free Command Line Compiler -
bc56  Borland C++ BuilderX 1.0 / Borland C++ 5.6.4 Compiler -
 (the C++ BuilderX IDE can also be configured to use mingw3 or gcc3 versions.)
Win32  Executable for Windows NT/2000/XP