HtmlCommentNode Properties

Html Agility Pack

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The HtmlCommentNode type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAttributes
Gets the collection of HTML attributes for this node. May not be null.
(Inherited from HtmlNode.)
Public propertyChildNodes
Gets all the children of the node.
(Inherited from HtmlNode.)
Public propertyClosed
Gets a value indicating if this node has been closed or not.
(Inherited from HtmlNode.)
Public propertyClosingAttributes
Gets the collection of HTML attributes for the closing tag. May not be null.
(Inherited from HtmlNode.)
Public propertyComment
Gets or Sets the comment text of the node.
Public propertyFirstChild
Gets the first child of the node.
(Inherited from HtmlNode.)
Public propertyHasAttributes
Gets a value indicating whether the current node has any attributes.
(Inherited from HtmlNode.)
Public propertyHasChildNodes
Gets a value indicating whether this node has any child nodes.
(Inherited from HtmlNode.)
Public propertyHasClosingAttributes
Gets a value indicating whether the current node has any attributes on the closing tag.
(Inherited from HtmlNode.)
Public propertyId
Gets or sets the value of the 'id' HTML attribute. The document must have been parsed using the OptionUseIdAttribute set to true.
(Inherited from HtmlNode.)
Public propertyInnerHtml
Gets or Sets the HTML between the start and end tags of the object. In the case of a text node, it is equals to OuterHtml.
(Overrides HtmlNode..::..InnerHtml.)
Public propertyInnerText
Gets or Sets the text between the start and end tags of the object.
(Inherited from HtmlNode.)
Public propertyLastChild
Gets the last child of the node.
(Inherited from HtmlNode.)
Public propertyLine
Gets the line number of this node in the document.
(Inherited from HtmlNode.)
Public propertyLinePosition
Gets the column number of this node in the document.
(Inherited from HtmlNode.)
Public propertyName
Gets or sets this node's name.
(Inherited from HtmlNode.)
Public propertyNextSibling
Gets the HTML node immediately following this element.
(Inherited from HtmlNode.)
Public propertyNodeType
Gets the type of this node.
(Inherited from HtmlNode.)
Public propertyOriginalName
The original unaltered name of the tag
(Inherited from HtmlNode.)
Public propertyOuterHtml
Gets or Sets the object and its content in HTML.
(Overrides HtmlNode..::..OuterHtml.)
Public propertyOwnerDocument
Gets the HtmlDocument to which this node belongs.
(Inherited from HtmlNode.)
Public propertyParentNode
Gets the parent of this node (for nodes that can have parents).
(Inherited from HtmlNode.)
Public propertyPreviousSibling
Gets the node immediately preceding this node.
(Inherited from HtmlNode.)
Public propertyStreamPosition
Gets the stream position of this node in the document, relative to the start of the document.
(Inherited from HtmlNode.)
Public propertyXPath
Gets a valid XPath string that points to this node
(Inherited from HtmlNode.)

See Also