HtmlNodeNavigator Properties

Html Agility Pack

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The HtmlNodeNavigator type exposes the following members.


Public propertyBaseURI
Gets the base URI for the current node. Always returns string.Empty in the case of HtmlNavigator implementation.
(Overrides XPathNavigator..::..BaseURI.)
Public propertyCanEdit
Gets a value indicating whether the XPathNavigator can edit the underlying XML data.
(Inherited from XPathNavigator.)
Public propertyCurrentDocument
Gets the current HTML document.
Public propertyCurrentNode
Gets the current HTML node.
Public propertyHasAttributes
Gets a value indicating whether the current node has child nodes.
(Overrides XPathNavigator..::..HasAttributes.)
Public propertyHasChildren
Gets a value indicating whether the current node has child nodes.
(Overrides XPathNavigator..::..HasChildren.)
Public propertyInnerXml
Gets or sets the markup representing the child nodes of the current node.
(Inherited from XPathNavigator.)
Public propertyIsEmptyElement
Gets a value indicating whether the current node is an empty element.
(Overrides XPathNavigator..::..IsEmptyElement.)
Public propertyIsNode
Gets a value indicating if the current node represents an XPath node.
(Inherited from XPathNavigator.)
Public propertyLocalName
Gets the name of the current HTML node without the namespace prefix.
(Overrides XPathNavigator..::..LocalName.)
Public propertyName
Gets the qualified name of the current node.
(Overrides XPathNavigator..::..Name.)
Public propertyNamespaceURI
Gets the namespace URI (as defined in the W3C Namespace Specification) of the current node. Always returns string.Empty in the case of HtmlNavigator implementation.
(Overrides XPathNavigator..::..NamespaceURI.)
Public propertyNameTable
Gets the XmlNameTable associated with this implementation.
(Overrides XPathNavigator..::..NameTable.)
Public propertyNodeType
Gets the type of the current node.
(Overrides XPathNavigator..::..NodeType.)
Public propertyOuterXml
Gets or sets the markup representing the opening and closing tags of the current node and its child nodes.
(Inherited from XPathNavigator.)
Public propertyPrefix
Gets the prefix associated with the current node. Always returns string.Empty in the case of HtmlNavigator implementation.
(Overrides XPathNavigator..::..Prefix.)
Public propertySchemaInfo
Gets the schema information that has been assigned to the current node as a result of schema validation.
(Inherited from XPathNavigator.)
Public propertyTypedValue
Gets the current node as a boxed object of the most appropriate .NET Framework type.
(Inherited from XPathNavigator.)
Public propertyUnderlyingObject
Used by XPathNavigator implementations which provide a "virtualized" XML view over a store, to provide access to underlying objects.
(Inherited from XPathNavigator.)
Public propertyValue
Gets the text value of the current node.
(Overrides XPathItem..::..Value.)
Public propertyValueAsBoolean
Gets the current node's value as a Boolean.
(Inherited from XPathNavigator.)
Public propertyValueAsDateTime
Gets the current node's value as a DateTime.
(Inherited from XPathNavigator.)
Public propertyValueAsDouble
Gets the current node's value as a Double.
(Inherited from XPathNavigator.)
Public propertyValueAsInt
Gets the current node's value as an Int32.
(Inherited from XPathNavigator.)
Public propertyValueAsLong
Gets the current node's value as an Int64.
(Inherited from XPathNavigator.)
Public propertyValueType
Gets the .NET Framework Type of the current node.
(Inherited from XPathNavigator.)
Public propertyXmlLang
Gets the xml:lang scope for the current node. Always returns string.Empty in the case of HtmlNavigator implementation.
(Overrides XPathNavigator..::..XmlLang.)
Public propertyXmlType
Gets the XmlSchemaType information for the current node.
(Inherited from XPathNavigator.)

See Also