Hibernate 3.6.10.Final ²Î¿¼ÊÖ²á ÖÐÎÄ°æ


Hibernate.org Community Documentation


A Hibernate type is neither a Java type nor a SQL datatype; it provides a information about both.

When you encounter the term type in regards to Hibernate be aware that usage might refer to the Java type, the SQL/JDBC type or the Hibernate type.


The Java Persistence API calls these embedded types, while Hibernate traditionally called them components. Just be aware that both terms are used and mean the same thing in the scope of discussing Hibernate.


It is critical understand that we mean the collection itself, not its contents. The contents of the collection can in turn be basic, component or entity types (though not collections), but the collection itself is owned.


This notion of entity independence can be modified by the application developer using the concept of cascades. Cascades allow certain operations to continue (or "cascade") across an association from one entity to another. Cascades are covered in detail in 第 8 章 关联关系映射.

public class MoneyType implements BasicType {
    public String[] getRegistrationKeys() {

        return new String[] { Money.class.getName() };
        public int[] sqlTypes(Mapping mapping) {
            // We will simply use delegation to the standard basic types for BigDecimal and Currency for many of the
            // Type methods...
            return new int[] {
            // we could also have honored any registry overrides via...
            //return new int[] {
            //         mappings.getTypeResolver().basic( BigDecimal.class.getName() ).sqlTypes( mappings )[0],
            //         mappings.getTypeResolver().basic( Currency.class.getName() ).sqlTypes( mappings )[0]
    public Class getReturnedClass() {
        return Money.class;
    public Object nullSafeGet(ResultSet rs, String[] names, SessionImplementor session, Object owner) throws SQLException {
        assert names.length == 2;
        BigDecimal amount = BigDecimalType.INSTANCE.get( names[0] ); // already handles null check
        Currency currency = CurrencyType.INSTANCE.get( names[1] ); // already handles null check
        return amount == null && currency == null
                ? null
                : new Money( amount, currency );
    public void nullSafeSet(PreparedStatement st, Object value, int index, boolean[] settable, SessionImplementor session)
            throws SQLException {
        if ( value == null ) {
            BigDecimalType.INSTANCE.set( st, null, index );
            CurrencyType.INSTANCE.set( st, null, index+1 );
        else {
            final Money money = (Money) value;
            BigDecimalType.INSTANCE.set( st, money.getAmount(), index );
            CurrencyType.INSTANCE.set( st, money.getCurrency(), index+1 );
Configuration cfg = new Configuration();
cfg.registerTypeOverride( new MoneyType() );


It is important that we registered the type before adding mappings.


Both org.hibernate.usertype.UserType and org.hibernate.usertype.CompositeUserType were originally added to isolate user code from internal changes to the org.hibernate.type.Type interfaces.

public class MoneyType implements UserType {

    public int[] sqlTypes() {
        return new int[] {
    public Class getReturnedClass() {
        return Money.class;
    public Object nullSafeGet(ResultSet rs, String[] names, Object owner) throws SQLException {
        assert names.length == 2;
        BigDecimal amount = BigDecimalType.INSTANCE.get( names[0] ); // already handles null check
        Currency currency = CurrencyType.INSTANCE.get( names[1] ); // already handles null check
        return amount == null && currency == null
                ? null
                : new Money( amount, currency );
    public void nullSafeSet(PreparedStatement st, Object value, int index) throws SQLException {
        if ( value == null ) {
            BigDecimalType.INSTANCE.set( st, null, index );
            CurrencyType.INSTANCE.set( st, null, index+1 );
        else {
            final Money money = (Money) value;
            BigDecimalType.INSTANCE.set( st, money.getAmount(), index );
            CurrencyType.INSTANCE.set( st, money.getCurrency(), index+1 );

public class MoneyType implements CompositeUserType {

    public String[] getPropertyNames() {
        // ORDER IS IMPORTANT!  it must match the order the columns are defined in the property mapping
        return new String[] { "amount", "currency" };
    public Type[] getPropertyTypes() {
        return new Type[] { BigDecimalType.INSTANCE, CurrencyType.INSTANCE };
    public Class getReturnedClass() {
        return Money.class;
    public Object getPropertyValue(Object component, int propertyIndex) {
        if ( component == null ) {
            return null;
        final Money money = (Money) component;
        switch ( propertyIndex ) {
            case 0: {
                return money.getAmount();
            case 1: {
                return money.getCurrency();
            default: {
                throw new HibernateException( "Invalid property index [" + propertyIndex + "]" );
        public void setPropertyValue(Object component, int propertyIndex, Object value) throws HibernateException {
        if ( component == null ) {
        final Money money = (Money) component;
        switch ( propertyIndex ) {
            case 0: {
                money.setAmount( (BigDecimal) value );
            case 1: {
                money.setCurrency( (Currency) value );
            default: {
                throw new HibernateException( "Invalid property index [" + propertyIndex + "]" );
    public Object nullSafeGet(ResultSet rs, String[] names, SessionImplementor session, Object owner) throws SQLException {
        assert names.length == 2;
        BigDecimal amount = BigDecimalType.INSTANCE.get( names[0] ); // already handles null check
        Currency currency = CurrencyType.INSTANCE.get( names[1] ); // already handles null check
        return amount == null && currency == null
                ? null
                : new Money( amount, currency );
    public void nullSafeSet(PreparedStatement st, Object value, int index, SessionImplementor session) throws SQLException {
        if ( value == null ) {
            BigDecimalType.INSTANCE.set( st, null, index );
            CurrencyType.INSTANCE.set( st, null, index+1 );
        else {
            final Money money = (Money) value;
            BigDecimalType.INSTANCE.set( st, money.getAmount(), index );
            CurrencyType.INSTANCE.set( st, money.getCurrency(), index+1 );

Configuration cfg = ...;

cfg.registerTypeOverride( new SuperDuperStringType() );


         * Get the names under which this type should be registered in the type registry.
         * @return The keys under which to register this type.
        public String[] getRegistrationKeys();