Printer Session Properties—LU1 Settings Tab

HostExplorer Print Services

Printer Session Properties—LU1 Settings Tab

Use this tab to set options that HostExplorer Print Services will use for reports that the host computer prints using the LU1 printer protocol.

An LU1 printer is also known as an SCS (SNA Character String) printer. Unlike LU3 printers, LU1 printers use data streams that are similar to ASCII print jobs. For more information about SNA Character Strings, see Supported SCS Control Sequences. Click for more information

Double Space Lines—Treat all line feed characters as double line feeds.

Print upper case only—Convert all lower case letters of the English alphabet [a..z] to upper case. This does not affect special characters and accented letters.

Suppress initial form feed—Discard a form feed character (if any) at the beginning of a report. Many host programs include a form feed at the beginning of a report to align the printer. If you are printing through Windows, then alignment is automatic and the initial form feed is not required.

Add blank page at end of job—Add a form feed character at the end of a report. (This may cause a blank page to print.) This option is useful if you are printing to fan-folded paper: it forces the last page of the report to leave the printer.

Discard SCS transparency blocks—Discard (ignore) transparency blocks. Transparency blocks are usually used to send down printer formatting codes to a specific host printer. If you are printing through Windows, discard transparency blocks since they are not compatible with the Windows internal print engine.

Ignore Vertical Channel Select (VCS)—Ignore Vertical Channel Select (VCS) commands. VCS commands are used with host printers to skip to a specific channel to align the vertical format.

LU1 transparency blocks contain ASCII data—If you use the transparency blocks to download printer specific information such as escape sequences for font selection and other printing orders, then enable this option. Otherwise, all data in transparency blocks are translated from EBCDIC to ASCII.

Host formatting field—Select one of the following options:

  • Ignore host formatting orders—Ignores most host formatting orders, except carriage returns and line feeds.
  • Honor host formatting orders in current job only—Interpret host formatting orders but reset the print settings such as the tabs stops, vertical tabs, and margins at the end of the print job. This way, all print jobs start with the default values as if the printer is powered on.
  • Honor host formatting and retain in following jobs—Interpret host formatting orders and retain printer settings such as the tabs stops, vertical tabs, and margins at the end of the print job. The next report to print after a host report will begin with the host report's printer settings.

Defaults—Reset all options to the system default.

Related Topics

Printer Session Properties—General Tab

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