Main Window

HostExplorer Print Services

Main Window

The main window opens when you start Console. Use the main window to define sessions, to monitor the operations of Service, to format reports, and to troubleshoot.

Title Bar

Displays one of the following:

HostExplorer Print Services Console - Not Connected—when Console is not connected to Service.

HostExplorer Print Services Console -[Local Machine]—when Console is connected to Service running on the same machine as Console.

HostExplorer Print Services Console - machine-name—when Console is connected to Service running on machine-name. Machine-name may be the same as the machine on which Console is running.

Status Window

Displays the following information for each session:

Session ID—Identifies a session established between Console and Service.

Profile—The name of the printer profile used to establish the session.

Connection Status—The status of the connection between the session and the host. This area is blank when there is no connection established.

Host Status—The status of the host to which a session is connected. This area is blank when the session is not connected to a host.

Printer Status—The status of the LAN printer specified in the session's printer profile.

Printed Status—The page counts and job counts for the session.

Other Status—Miscellaneous status information about the session.

LU Name/Device Name—Specifies the logical unit (LU) name that the host is using to identify the host printer that the program is emulating. Called a device name on AS/400.

  Double-clicking on a session's line opens a dialog box that shows the 50 most recent messages from Service about that session.

HostExplorer Print Services Service Messages—Messages from Service about intermediate stages of a session that is changing state (for example, changing from being Connected to being Disconnected). Final status is displayed under Connection Status in the Main box, above.

Related Topics

File Menu

Service Menu

Session Menu

View Menu

Help Menu