GeneticSharp.Domain.Populations Namespace


GeneticSharp.Domain.Populations Namespace GeneticSharp

[Missing <summary> documentation for "N:GeneticSharp.Domain.Populations"]


  Class Description
Public class Generation
Represents a generation of a population.
Public class PerformanceGenerationStrategy
An IGenerationStrategy's implementation wich takes into account the performance just keep the last one generations in the population.

This strategy is not good for tracking all the generations, for this case use TrackingGenerationStrategy, but is the best one when you have a very long term termination.
Public class Population
Represents a population of candidate solutions (chromosomes).
Public class PopulationService
Population service.
Public class TrackingGenerationStrategy
An IGenerationStrategy's implementation that keeps all generations to further avaliation.

This strategy can be slow and can suffer of OutOfMemoryException when you have great population and a long term termination.

  Interface Description
Public interface IGenerationStrategy
Defines a strategy to some key points of generation behavior inside a population.