This describe GM8126 ioctl functions: ReproduceBitStream_tag Struct Reference

GM8126 DVR

ReproduceBitStream_tag Struct Reference

dvr bit stream parameter, include main, sub1, sub2 bit-stream. More...

Data Fields

int enabled
int out_bs
int enc_type
int is_blocked
int en_snapshot
DIM dim
EncParam enc
ScalerParam scl
snapshot_param snap
int reserved [8]

Detailed Description

dvr bit stream parameter, include main, sub1, sub2 bit-stream.


capture_raw.c, roi.c, sub-bitstream-record.c, and update-record-setting.c.

Definition at line 206 of file dvr_enc_api.h.

Field Documentation

int out_bs

0: main-bitstream

1: sub-bitstream1

2: sub-bitstream2

capture_raw.c, main-bitstream-record.c, mjpeg-record.c, mpeg4-record.c, roi.c, sub-bitstream-record.c, update-bitrate.c, and update-record-setting.c.

Definition at line 213 of file dvr_enc_api.h.

indicate all system-call for this channel is "blocked" or "non-block" type

main-bitstream-record.c, mjpeg-record.c, mpeg4-record.c, sub-bitstream-record.c, update-bitrate.c, and update-record-setting.c.

Definition at line 217 of file dvr_enc_api.h.

int reserved[8]

Definition at line 229 of file dvr_enc_api.h.

Generated on Wed Jun 15 2011 15:51:00 for This describe GM8126 ioctl functions by  doxygen 1.7.1