/** * this sample code implement playback function, and playback for 20 seconds. * demo file is CH0_video_0.avi, * please put the demo file at the same directory with executed binary file. */ #include <unistd.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <sys/mman.h> #include <poll.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <pthread.h> #include "dvr_common_api.h" #include "dvr_disp_api.h" #include "dvr_enc_api.h" #include "dvr_dec_api.h" #include "gmavi_api.h" int dvr_fd = 0; int disp_fd = 0; int dec_fd[2] = {0}; int main_disp_no = 0; int main_plane_id = 0; int open_flag = 0; int is_NTSC = TRUE; #define FUNCTION_NULL -1 #define FUNCTION_NORMAL 0 int menu_func = FUNCTION_NULL; unsigned char *pbbs_buf[2]; int dec_buf_size[2]; pthread_t thr_id_packet_reader[2]; int flag_exit_reader_loop[2]={FALSE}; HANDLE pb_file[2]= {NULL}; AviMainHeader pb_main_header[2]; AviStreamHeader pb_stream_header[2]; GmAviStreamFormat pb_stream_format[2]; int stream_id_pkt[2] = {0}; pthread_mutex_t dec_lock[2]; struct pollfd dec_fds[2]; int is_st_vga = TRUE; RECT D1_4CH[4] = { { 0, 0, 360,240}, {360, 0, 360,240}, { 0,240, 360,240}, {360,240, 360,240} }; RECT VGA_4CH[4] = { { 0, 0, 320,240}, {320, 0, 320,240}, { 0,360, 512,360}, {512,360, 512,360} }; char getch(void) { int n = 1; unsigned char ch; struct timeval tv; fd_set rfds; FD_ZERO(&rfds); FD_SET(0, &rfds); tv.tv_sec = 10; tv.tv_usec = 0; n = select(1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &tv); if (n > 0) { n = read(0, &ch, 1); if (n == 1) return ch; return n; } return -1; } int do_disp_startup() { int i, ret; dvr_disp_disp_param disp_param; dvr_disp_update_disp_param disp_update_param; dvr_disp_plane_param plane_param[3]; dvr_disp_update_plane_param plane_update_pa; dvr_disp_control dsp_ctl; if (open_flag) { printf("multi open\n"); return -1; } open_flag = 1; disp_fd = open("/dev/dvr_disp", O_RDWR); if (disp_fd < 0) { perror("Open failed:"); open_flag = 0; return -1; } memset(&disp_param, 0x0, sizeof(dvr_disp_disp_param)); memset(&disp_update_param, 0x0, sizeof(dvr_disp_update_disp_param)); memset(plane_param, 0x0, sizeof(dvr_disp_plane_param) * 3); memset(&plane_update_pa, 0x0, sizeof(dvr_disp_update_plane_param)); memset(&dsp_ctl, 0x0, sizeof(dvr_disp_control)); main_disp_no = 0; // query LCD1 information disp_param.disp_num = main_disp_no; ret = ioctl(disp_fd, DVR_DISP_GET_DISP_PARAM, &disp_param); if (ret < 0) return -1; printf("LCD(%d): dim(%d-%d) res(in=%d,out=%d) plane_comb(%d) system(%d) mode(%d)\n", 1, disp_param.dim.width, disp_param.dim.height, disp_param.res.input_res, disp_param.res.output_type, disp_param.plane_comb, disp_param.output_system, disp_param.output_mode); printf(" : color attrib.: br(%d)sa(%d)co(%d)-hus(%d)huc(%d)sh0(%d)sh1-(%d)shth0(%d)shth1(%d)\n", disp_param.color_attrib.brightness, disp_param.color_attrib.saturation, disp_param.color_attrib.contrast, disp_param.color_attrib.huesin, disp_param.color_attrib.huecos, disp_param.color_attrib.sharpnessk0, disp_param.color_attrib.sharpnessk1, disp_param.color_attrib.sharpness_thres0, disp_param.color_attrib.shaprness_thres1); printf(" : transparent: color1(%d,%d) color2(%d,%d)\n", disp_param.transparent_color[0].is_enable, disp_param.transparent_color[0].color, disp_param.transparent_color[1].is_enable, disp_param.transparent_color[1].color); usleep(100000); // set BG_AND_2PLANE, which means we need 1 background and another 2 planes disp_update_param.disp_num = main_disp_no; disp_update_param.param = DISP_PARAM_PLANE_COMBINATION; disp_update_param.val.plane_comb = BG_ONLY;//BG_AND_2PLANE; ret = ioctl(disp_fd, DVR_DISP_UPDATE_DISP_PARAM, &disp_update_param); if (ret < 0) return -1; disp_update_param.disp_num = main_disp_no; disp_update_param.param = DISP_PARAM_OUTPUT_SYSTEM; disp_update_param.val.output_system = MCP_VIDEO_VGA; disp_update_param.val.display_rate = is_NTSC? 30 : 25; ret = ioctl(disp_fd, DVR_DISP_UPDATE_DISP_PARAM, &disp_update_param); if (ret < 0) return -1; disp_update_param.param = DISP_PARAM_APPLY; ret = ioctl(disp_fd, DVR_DISP_UPDATE_DISP_PARAM, &disp_update_param); if (ret < 0) return -1; // query 3 planes information for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) { plane_param[i].disp_num = main_disp_no; plane_param[i].plane_num = i; ret = ioctl(disp_fd, DVR_DISP_GET_PLANE_PARAM, &plane_param[i]); if (ret < 0) return -1; printf("LCD(%d)-plane(%d): ID(%d) rect(%d-%d,%d-%d) data_mode(%d) color_mode(%d)\n", main_disp_no, plane_param[i].plane_num, plane_param[i].param.plane_id, plane_param[i].param.win.x, plane_param[i].param.win.y, plane_param[i].param.win.width, plane_param[i].param.win.height, plane_param[i].param.data_mode, plane_param[i].param.color_mode ); usleep(50000); if (i == 0) main_plane_id = plane_param[i].param.plane_id; } // set color mode for background plane plane_update_pa.plane_id = plane_param[0].param.plane_id; plane_update_pa.param = PLANE_PARAM_COLOR_MODE; plane_update_pa.val.color_mode = LCD_COLOR_YUV422; ret = ioctl(disp_fd, DVR_DISP_UPDATE_PLANE_PARAM, &plane_update_pa); if (ret < 0) return -1; // set data mode for background plane plane_update_pa.plane_id = plane_param[0].param.plane_id; plane_update_pa.param = PLANE_PARAM_DATA_MODE; plane_update_pa.val.data_mode = LCD_PROGRESSIVE; ret = ioctl(disp_fd, DVR_DISP_UPDATE_PLANE_PARAM, &plane_update_pa); if (ret < 0) return -1; plane_update_pa.param = PLANE_PARAM_APPLY; ret = ioctl(disp_fd, DVR_DISP_UPDATE_PLANE_PARAM, &plane_update_pa); if (ret < 0) return -1; return 0; } int do_disp_endup() { if (!open_flag) { printf("Multi close\n"); return -1; } if (disp_fd > 0) close(disp_fd); disp_fd = 0; open_flag = 0; return 0; } int open_pb_files(int ch_num, int index) { int strh_count; char tmp_str[64]; sprintf(tmp_str, "CH%d_video_%d.avi", ch_num, index); pb_file[ch_num] = GMAVIOpen(tmp_str, GMAVI_FILEMODE_READ, 0); if(!pb_file[ch_num]) { printf("Open [%s] failed!\n", tmp_str); return -1; } GMAVIGetAviMainHeader(pb_file[ch_num], &pb_main_header[ch_num]); GMAVIGetStreamHeaderNum(pb_file[ch_num], &strh_count); GMAVIGetStreamHeader(pb_file[ch_num], 1/*get stream1*/, &pb_stream_header[ch_num], &pb_stream_format[ch_num], &stream_id_pkt[ch_num]); printf("dec type:<%c%c%c%c>\n",pb_stream_header[ch_num].fccHandler[0] ,pb_stream_header[ch_num].fccHandler[1] ,pb_stream_header[ch_num].fccHandler[2] ,pb_stream_header[ch_num].fccHandler[3]); return 0; } void close_pb_files(int ch_num) { if(pb_file[ch_num]) { GMAVIClose(pb_file[ch_num]); pb_file[ch_num]=NULL; } } int do_pb_init(int ch_num) { int ret; dvr_dec_channel_param ch_param; memset(&ch_param, 0x0, sizeof(dvr_dec_channel_param)); ret = open_pb_files(ch_num, 0); if(ret < 0) goto DO_PB_INIT_FAILED; dec_fd[ch_num] = open("/dev/dvr_dec", O_RDWR); if(dec_fd[ch_num] < 0) { perror("Open [/dev/dvr_dec] failed:"); goto DO_PB_INIT_FAILED; } switch(*(int *)pb_stream_header[ch_num].fccHandler) { case GMAVI_TYPE_H264: ch_param.dec_type = ENC_TYPE_H264; break; case GMAVI_TYPE_MPEG4: ch_param.dec_type = ENC_TYPE_MPEG; break; case GMAVI_TYPE_MJPEG: ch_param.dec_type = ENC_TYPE_MJPEG; break; default: printf("%s:%d <dec_type err. %d>\n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__, ch_param.dec_type); return -1; } ch_param.channel = ch_num; ch_param.is_use_scaler = 1; ch_param.dec_param.output_type = DEC_OUTPUT_COLOR_YUV422; ch_param.scl_param.src_fmt = SCALE_YUV422; ch_param.scl_param.dst_fmt = SCALE_YUV422; ch_param.scl_param.scale_mode = SCALE_LINEAR; ch_param.scl_param.is_dither = 0; ch_param.scl_param.is_correction = 0; ch_param.scl_param.is_album = 1; ch_param.scl_param.des_level = 0; ret = ioctl(dec_fd[ch_num], DVR_DEC_SET_CHANNEL_PARAM, &ch_param); if(ret < 0) { perror("Decoder DVR_DEC_SET_CHANNLE_PARAM failed:"); goto DO_PB_INIT_FAILED; } ret = ioctl(dec_fd[ch_num], DVR_DEC_QUERY_OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE, &dec_buf_size[ch_num]); if(ret < 0) { perror("Decoder DVR_DEC_QUERY_OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE failed:"); goto DO_PB_INIT_FAILED; } pbbs_buf[ch_num] = (unsigned char*) mmap(NULL, dec_buf_size[ch_num], PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, dec_fd[ch_num], 0); if(pbbs_buf[ch_num] == MAP_FAILED) { perror("Dec mmap failed"); goto DO_PB_INIT_FAILED; } return 0; DO_PB_INIT_FAILED: if(dec_fd[ch_num]) { if(pbbs_buf[ch_num]){ munmap((void*)pbbs_buf[ch_num], dec_buf_size[ch_num]); pbbs_buf[ch_num] = NULL; } close(dec_fd[ch_num]); dec_fd[ch_num] = 0; } if(pb_file[ch_num]) { GMAVIClose(pb_file[ch_num]); pb_file[ch_num]=NULL; } return -1; } #define MAX_RECORD 4096 void *packet_reader(void *arg) { int ret, ch_num; int pb_idx = 0, pb_total = 0; int pb_offset[MAX_RECORD] = {0};//backup I frame offset, must deat with overflow and multi channel by customer int reverse; dvr_enc_queue_get data; unsigned char *buf; int buf_size = 0,intra = 0, backup_data = 0; unsigned int i = 0; int file_idx = 1; dvr_dec_control dec_ctrl; FuncTag tag; memset(&dec_ctrl, 0x0, sizeof(dvr_dec_control)); ch_num = (int)arg; // prepare to select(or poll) dec_fds[ch_num].fd = dec_fd[ch_num]; dec_fds[ch_num].events = POLLIN; dec_fds[ch_num].revents = 0; while(1) { ret =poll(&dec_fds[ch_num], 1, 2000); pthread_mutex_lock(&dec_lock[ch_num]); if(flag_exit_reader_loop[ch_num]){ pthread_mutex_unlock(&dec_lock[ch_num]); break; } ret = ioctl(dec_fd[ch_num], DVR_DEC_QUEUE_GET, &data); backup_data = data.bs.length; if(ret < 0) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&dec_lock[ch_num]); printf("buffer is not ready...\n"); usleep(10000); continue; } buf = pbbs_buf[ch_num] + data.bs.offset; // read bs(start) buf_size = backup_data; reverse=0; ret = GMAVIGetStreamDataAndIndex(pb_file[ch_num], &stream_id_pkt[ch_num], buf, &buf_size, &intra, NULL, 0, i, reverse, &pb_offset[pb_idx]); if((intra == 1) && (pb_idx < MAX_RECORD)) pb_total=(pb_idx++); if(ret == GMSTS_END_OF_DATA){ printf("CH(%d,%d) - End of Playback!\n", ch_num, file_idx); OPEN_PB_FILE_AGAIN: close_pb_files(ch_num); ret = open_pb_files(ch_num, file_idx++); if(ret < 0) { file_idx=0; goto OPEN_PB_FILE_AGAIN; } GMAVISeek(pb_file[ch_num], GMAVI_SEEK_TO_BEGINNING, NULL); //return job data.bs.length = 0; ret = ioctl(dec_fd[ch_num], DVR_DEC_QUEUE_PUT, &data); if(ret<0) printf("put failed when EOF...\n"); dec_ctrl.command = DEC_UPDATE; dec_ctrl.src_param.dim.width = pb_main_header[ch_num].dwWidth; dec_ctrl.src_param.dim.height = pb_main_header[ch_num].dwHeight; dec_ctrl.src_param.win.x = 0; dec_ctrl.src_param.win.y = 0; dec_ctrl.src_param.win.width = pb_main_header[ch_num].dwWidth; dec_ctrl.src_param.win.height = pb_main_header[ch_num].dwHeight; dec_ctrl.src_param.bs_rate = (int) (1000000/(pb_main_header[ch_num].dwMicroSecPerFrame)); dec_ctrl.dst_param.plane_id = GMVAL_DO_NOT_CARE; dec_ctrl.dst_param.win.x = GMVAL_DO_NOT_CARE; dec_ctrl.dst_param.win.y = GMVAL_DO_NOT_CARE; dec_ctrl.dst_param.win.width = GMVAL_DO_NOT_CARE; dec_ctrl.dst_param.win.height = GMVAL_DO_NOT_CARE; dec_ctrl.dst_param.is_display = GMVAL_DO_NOT_CARE; dec_ctrl.dst_param.display_rate = GMVAL_DO_NOT_CARE; ret = ioctl(dec_fd[ch_num], DVR_DEC_CONTROL, &dec_ctrl); if(ret < 0) printf("can't update playback parameters!"); FN_RESET_TAG(&tag); FN_SET_PB_CH(&tag, ch_num); ioctl(dvr_fd, DVR_COMMON_APPLY, &tag); pthread_mutex_unlock(&dec_lock[ch_num]); buf_size = 0; continue; } else if(ret < 0) { printf("CH(%d) - read error!\n", ch_num); } data.bs.length = buf_size; // read bs(end) ret = ioctl(dec_fd[ch_num], DVR_DEC_QUEUE_PUT, &data); if(ret < 0) printf("put failed...\n"); pthread_mutex_unlock(&dec_lock[ch_num]); } } int do_pb_start(int ch_num) { int ret; dvr_dec_control dec_ctrl; FuncTag tag; memset(&dec_ctrl, 0x0, sizeof(dvr_dec_control)); if(!pb_file[ch_num]) { printf("Open file failed!\n"); return -1; } flag_exit_reader_loop[ch_num] = FALSE; ret = pthread_create(&thr_id_packet_reader[ch_num], NULL, (void *)packet_reader, (void*)ch_num); if(ret < 0) { perror("create thread[packet_reader] failed"); return -1; } dec_ctrl.command = DEC_START; dec_ctrl.src_param.dim.width = pb_main_header[ch_num].dwWidth; dec_ctrl.src_param.dim.height = pb_main_header[ch_num].dwHeight; dec_ctrl.src_param.win.x = 0; //ROI, after decoder, or the input to scalar dec_ctrl.src_param.win.y = 0; //ROI, after decoder, or the input to scalar dec_ctrl.src_param.win.width = pb_main_header[ch_num].dwWidth; //ROI, after decoder dec_ctrl.src_param.win.height = pb_main_header[ch_num].dwHeight; //ROI, after decoder dec_ctrl.src_param.bs_rate=(int) (1000000/(pb_main_header[ch_num].dwMicroSecPerFrame)); if(is_st_vga) { dec_ctrl.dst_param.win.x = VGA_4CH[ch_num].x; dec_ctrl.dst_param.win.y = VGA_4CH[ch_num].y; } else { dec_ctrl.dst_param.win.x = D1_4CH[ch_num].x; //final position of screen dec_ctrl.dst_param.win.y = D1_4CH[ch_num].y; //final position of screen } dec_ctrl.dst_param.win.width = VGA_4CH[ch_num].width; //final width in screen dec_ctrl.dst_param.win.height = VGA_4CH[ch_num].height; //final width in screen dec_ctrl.dst_param.plane_id = main_plane_id; dec_ctrl.dst_param.is_display = TRUE; dec_ctrl.dst_param.display_rate = (is_NTSC)? 30:25; ret = ioctl(dec_fd[ch_num], DVR_DEC_CONTROL, &dec_ctrl); if(ret < 0) return -1; FN_RESET_TAG(&tag); FN_SET_PB_CH(&tag, ch_num); ret = ioctl(dvr_fd, DVR_COMMON_APPLY, &tag); if(ret < 0) return -1; pthread_mutex_init(&dec_lock[ch_num], NULL); menu_func = FUNCTION_NORMAL; return 0; } int do_pb_stop(int ch_num) { int ret; dvr_dec_control dec_ctrl; FuncTag tag; memset(&dec_ctrl, 0x0, sizeof(dvr_dec_control)); menu_func = FUNCTION_NULL; pthread_mutex_lock(&dec_lock[ch_num]); dec_ctrl.command = DEC_STOP; if((ret = ioctl(dec_fd[ch_num], DVR_DEC_CONTROL, &dec_ctrl)) < 0) goto pb_exit; FN_RESET_TAG(&tag); FN_SET_PB_CH(&tag, ch_num); if((ret = ioctl(dvr_fd, DVR_COMMON_APPLY, &tag)) < 0) goto pb_exit; pb_exit: flag_exit_reader_loop[ch_num] = TRUE; pthread_mutex_unlock(&dec_lock[ch_num]); return 0; } int do_pb_exit(int ch_num) { if(dec_fd[ch_num]){ if(pbbs_buf[ch_num]) { munmap((void*)pbbs_buf[ch_num], dec_buf_size[ch_num]); pbbs_buf[ch_num] = NULL; } close(dec_fd[ch_num]); dec_fd[ch_num] = 0; } close_pb_files(ch_num); return 0; } int main(void) { char key; int ret; //open dvr_common dvr_fd = open("/dev/dvr_common", O_RDWR); do_disp_startup(); while(1) { key = getch(); if (key == 'q' || key == 'Q') break; switch(key) { case 'a': ret=do_pb_init(0); break; case 'b': ret=do_pb_start(0); break; case 'c': ret=do_pb_stop(0); break; case 'd': ret=do_pb_exit(0); break; case 'm': ret=do_pb_init(1); break; case 'n': ret=do_pb_start(1); break; case 'o': ret=do_pb_stop(1); break; case 'p': ret=do_pb_exit(1); break; } } do_disp_endup(); //close dvr_common close(dvr_fd); return 0; }
Generated on Wed Jun 15 2011 15:50:59 for This describe GM8126 ioctl functions by
