Adobe FrameMaker-12 Object Model JS: TextItems

FrameMaker 12.0




An Array of TextItem objects with integer indexing and a length property.

See also TextItem.


concat, pop, push


lengthnumber r/wThe length of the array



TextItems concat (value: TextItems)
Returns a new array created by concatenating the given values to the end of the original array.
The original array is unchanged. If an array is provided as a parameter to concat(), each of its elements are appended as separate array elements at the end of the new array. Returns a new array, the result of concatenation the given values to the end of the original array.

valueTextItemsAny number of values to be added to the end of the array.
Can also be arrays.

TextItem pop ()
Removes the last element from the array.

number push (value: TextItem)
Places value onto the end of the array.
Returns the new length of the array.


Used in:

void Globals.PrintTextItems (textItems: TextItems)

TextItems TextItems.concat (value: TextItems)


TextItems Cell.GetText (flags: int)

TextItems Doc.GetTextForRange (tr: TextRange, flags: int)

TextItems Doc.GetTextForRange2 (tr: TextRange, flags: int, flags2: int)

TextItems Element.GetText (flags: int)

TextItems Flow.GetText (flags: int)

TextItems Fn.GetText (flags: int)

TextItems Pgf.GetText (flags: int)

TextItems Rubi.GetText2 (flags: int, flags2: int)

TextItems SubCol.GetText (flags: int)

TextItems TextFrame.GetText (flags: int)

TextItems TextItems.concat (value: TextItems)

TextItems TextLine.GetText (flags: int)

TextItems TiApiClient.GetText (flags: int)

TextItems TiFlow.GetText (flags: int)

TextItems TiText.GetText (flags: int)

TextItems TiTextTable.GetText (flags: int)

TextItems Var.GetText (flags: int)

TextItems XRef.GetText (flags: int)

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