Property | Type | Access | Description |
AcrobatBookmarkDisplayTags | int | readwrite | |
AutoChangeBars | int | readwrite | |
BannerTextDisplay | bool | readwrite | |
BooleanConditionExpression | string | readwrite | |
BooleanConditionExpressionTag | string | readwrite | |
BooleanConditionState | int | readwrite | |
BottomMargin | int | readwrite | |
Capitalization | int | readwrite | |
ChangeBar | int | readwrite | |
ChangeBarColor | Color | readwrite | |
ChangeBarDistance | int | readwrite | |
ChangeBarPosition | int | readwrite | |
ChangeBarThickness | int | readwrite | |
ChapNumComputeMethod | int | readwrite | |
ChapterNumStyle | int | readwrite | |
ChapterNumText | string | readwrite | |
ChapterNumber | int | readwrite | |
CharTag | string | readwrite | |
ColGap | int | readwrite | |
Color | Color | readwrite | |
CombinedFontFamily | CombinedFontDefn | readwrite | |
CondFmtIsShown | int | readwrite | |
CurrentPage | FMObject | readwrite | |
CustomElementList | Strings String | readwrite | |
DefaultExclusions | Strings String | readwrite | |
DefaultInclusions | Strings String | readwrite | |
Dictionary | Strings String | readwrite | |
DocAcrobatColumnArticleThreads | int | readwrite | |
DocAcrobatDefaultsChanged | int | readwrite | |
DocAcrobatElementList | Strings String | readwrite | |
DocAcrobatElements | int | readwrite | |
DocAcrobatNoArticleThreads | int | readwrite | |
DocFluidFlow | Flow | readwrite | |
DocIsDoubleSided | int | readwrite | |
DocIsModified | int | readonly | |
DocIsViewOnly | int | readwrite | |
DocOpenType | int | readonly | |
DocSaveType | int | readonly | |
DontUpdateTextInsets | int | readwrite | |
DontUpdateXRefs | int | readwrite | |
DownloadFonts | int | readwrite | |
ElementBoundaryDisplay | int | readwrite | |
ElementCatalog | ElementCatalogEntries ElementCatalogEntry | readonly | |
ElementCatalogDisplay | int | readwrite | |
ElementSelection | ElementRange | readwrite | |
EqnIntegralSizeLarge | int | readwrite | |
EqnIntegralSizeMed | int | readwrite | |
EqnIntegralSizeSmall | int | readwrite | |
EqnLevel1SizeLarge | int | readwrite | |
EqnLevel1SizeMed | int | readwrite | |
EqnLevel1SizeSmall | int | readwrite | |
EqnLevel2SizeLarge | int | readwrite | |
EqnLevel2SizeMed | int | readwrite | |
EqnLevel2SizeSmall | int | readwrite | |
EqnLevel3SizeLarge | int | readwrite | |
EqnLevel3SizeMed | int | readwrite | |
EqnLevel3SizeSmall | int | readwrite | |
EqnSigmaSizeLarge | int | readwrite | |
EqnSigmaSizeMed | int | readwrite | |
EqnSigmaSizeSmall | int | readwrite | |
FirstAttrCondExprInDoc | AttrCondExpr | readonly | |
FirstBodyPageInDoc | BodyPage | readonly | |
FirstCharFmtInDoc | CharFmt | readonly | |
FirstColorInDoc | Color | readonly | |
FirstCombinedFontDefnInDoc | CombinedFontDefn | readonly | |
FirstCondFmtInDoc | CondFmt | readonly | |
FirstDITAConrefElementInDoc | Element | readonly | |
FirstDITALinkElementInDoc | Element | readonly | |
FirstDITATopicrefElementInDoc | Element | readonly | |
FirstDITATopicsetrefElementInDoc | Element | readonly | |
FirstDITAXrefElementInDoc | Element | readonly | |
FirstElementDefInDoc | ElementDef | readonly | |
FirstFlowInDoc | Flow | readonly | |
FirstFmtChangeListInDoc | FmtChangeList | readwrite | |
FirstFnInDoc | Fn | readonly | |
FirstGraphicInDoc | FMObject | readonly | |
FirstGraphicsFmtInDoc | GraphicsFmt | readonly | |
FirstMarkerInDoc | Marker | readonly | |
FirstMarkerTypeInDoc | MarkerType | readonly | |
FirstMasterPageInDoc | MasterPage | readonly | |
FirstPageNum | int | readwrite | |
FirstPageVerso | int | readwrite | |
FirstPgfFmtInDoc | PgfFmt | readonly | |
FirstPgfInDoc | Pgf | readonly | |
FirstRefPageInDoc | RefPage | readonly | |
FirstRubiInDoc | Rubi | readonly | |
FirstRulingFmtInDoc | RulingFmt | readonly | |
FirstSelectedGraphicInDoc | FMObject | readonly | |
FirstSelectedTiInDoc | FMObject | readonly | |
FirstTblFmtInDoc | TblFmt | readonly | |
FirstTblInDoc | Tbl | readonly | |
FirstTiInDoc | FMObject | readonly | |
FirstVarFmtInDoc | VarFmt | readonly | |
FirstVarInDoc | Var | readonly | |
FirstXRefFmtInDoc | XRefFmt | readonly | |
FirstXRefInDoc | XRef | readonly | |
FnCustNumString | string | readwrite | |
FnFirstNum | int | readwrite | |
FnFmt | string | readwrite | |
FnHeightPerCol | int | readwrite | |
FnInstancePosition | int | readwrite | |
FnInstancePrefix | string | readwrite | |
FnInstanceSuffix | string | readwrite | |
FnNumComputeMethod | int | readwrite | |
FnNumStyle | int | readwrite | |
FnNumberingPerPage | int | readwrite | |
FnRefPosition | int | readwrite | |
FnRefPrefix | string | readwrite | |
FnRefSuffix | string | readwrite | |
FontAngle | int | readwrite | |
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FontFamily | int | readwrite | |
FontPlatformName | string | readwrite | |
FontPostScriptName | string | readwrite | |
FontSize | int | readwrite | |
FontVariation | int | readwrite | |
FontWeight | int | readwrite | |
FormatOverride | int | readwrite | |
Functions | string | readwrite | |
GenerateAcrobatInfo | int | readwrite | |
HiddenPage | HiddenPage | readonly | |
HypertextCommandText | string | readwrite | |
HypertextDoValidate | bool | readwrite | |
HypertextParseBadParam | int | readonly | |
HypertextParseErr | int | readonly | |
HypertextParseErrMsg | string | readonly | |
HypertextParsedClientName | string | readonly | |
HypertextParsedCmdCode | int | readonly | |
HypertextParsedCmdDest | int | readonly | |
HypertextParsedCmdDestObjID | int | readonly | |
HypertextParsedCmdDestObjType | int | readonly | |
HypertextParsedCmdMatrixColumns | int | readonly | |
HypertextParsedCmdMatrixRows | int | readonly | |
HypertextParsedDIFileName | string | readonly | |
HypertextParsedFlowName | string | readonly | |
HypertextParsedLinkName | string | readonly | |
HypertextParsedMessage | string | readonly | |
HypertextParsedPageName | string | readonly | |
HypertextParsedTitle | string | readonly | |
HypertextValidateErr | int | readonly | |
InCond | Objects | readwrite | |
IsIconified | int | readwrite | |
IsInFront | int | readwrite | |
IsOnScreen | int | readwrite | |
KernX | int | readwrite | |
KernY | int | readwrite | |
KeyCatalog | KeyCatalog | readonly | |
KeyCatalogType | int | readwrite | |
Label | string | readwrite | |
LastBodyPageInDoc | BodyPage | readonly | |
LastMasterPageInDoc | MasterPage | readonly | |
LastRefPageInDoc | RefPage | readonly | |
LeftMargin | int | readwrite | |
LeftMasterPage | MasterPage | readonly | |
LineBreakAfter | string | readwrite | |
LineNumDistance | int | readwrite | |
LineNumRestart | bool | readwrite | |
LineNumShow | bool | readwrite | |
MainFlowInDoc | Flow | readonly | |
MarkerTypeNames | Strings String | readonly | |
MaxBottomMargin | int | readwrite | |
MaxFirstIndent | int | readwrite | |
MaxFontSize | int | readwrite | |
MaxLeading | int | readwrite | |
MaxLeftIndent | int | readwrite | |
MaxLeftMargin | int | readwrite | |
MaxRightIndent | int | readwrite | |
MaxRightMargin | int | readwrite | |
MaxSpaceAbove | int | readwrite | |
MaxSpaceBelow | int | readwrite | |
MaxSpread | int | readwrite | |
MaxStretch | int | readwrite | |
MaxTabPosition | int | readwrite | |
MaxTopMargin | int | readwrite | |
MenuBar | Menu | readwrite | |
MinBottomMargin | int | readwrite | |
MinFirstIndent | int | readwrite | |
MinFontSize | int | readwrite | |
MinLeading | int | readwrite | |
MinLeftIndent | int | readwrite | |
MinLeftMargin | int | readwrite | |
MinRightIndent | int | readwrite | |
MinRightMargin | int | readwrite | |
MinSpaceAbove | int | readwrite | |
MinSpaceBelow | int | readwrite | |
MinSpread | int | readwrite | |
MinStretch | int | readwrite | |
MinTabPosition | int | readwrite | |
MinTopMargin | int | readwrite | |
Name | string | readonly | |
NarrowRubiSpaceForOther | int | readwrite | |
NewElemAttrDisplay | int | readwrite | |
NewElemAttrEditing | int | readwrite | |
NextOpenDocInSession | Doc | readonly | |
NumCols | int | readonly | |
Numbers | string | readwrite | |
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PDFAllNamedDestinations | int | readwrite | |
PDFBookmark | bool | readwrite | |
PDFBookmarksOpenLevel | int | readwrite | |
PDFConvertCMYKtoRGB | int | readwrite | |
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PDFEndPage | string | readwrite | |
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PDFJobOptionsAbsent | int | readonly | |
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PDFSeparateFiles | int | readwrite | |
PDFStartPage | string | readwrite | |
PDFStructure | int | readwrite | |
PDFViewPDF | int | readwrite | |
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PrintStartPoint | int | readwrite | |
PrintThumbnails | int | readwrite | |
PrintToFile | int | readwrite | |
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ReviewerName | string | readwrite | |
ReviewerNameList | Strings String | readonly | |
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RightMasterPage | MasterPage | readonly | |
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RubiSize | int | readwrite | |
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ScreenX | int | readwrite | |
ScreenY | int | readwrite | |
SecNumComputeMethod | int | readwrite | |
SectionNumStyle | int | readwrite | |
SectionNumText | string | readwrite | |
SectionNumber | int | readwrite | |
SelectedTbl | Tbl | readonly | |
SepOverride | Color | readwrite | |
SeparateInclusions | int | readwrite | |
ShowAll | int | readwrite | |
ShowCondIndicators | int | readwrite | |
ShowElementDescriptiveNames | bool | readwrite | |
SkipBlankSeps | int | readwrite | |
SmallCapsSize | int | readwrite | |
SmallCapsStretch | int | readwrite | |
SmartQuotes | int | readwrite | |
SmartSpaces | int | readwrite | |
SnapAngle | int | readwrite | |
SnapGridUnits | int | readwrite | |
SpecifiedKeyCatalog | KeyCatalog | readwrite | |
SpotColorView | int | readwrite | |
Spread | int | readwrite | |
StatusLine | string | readwrite | |
Stretch | int | readwrite | |
Strikethrough | int | readwrite | |
Strings | string | readwrite | |
StructuredApplication | string | readwrite | |
StructuredApplicationForOpen | string | readwrite | |
StyleOverrides | int | readonly | |
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SubScriptSize | int | readwrite | |
SubScriptStretch | int | readwrite | |
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SubsectionNumText | string | readwrite | |
SubsectionNumber | int | readwrite | |
SuperScriptShift | int | readwrite | |
SuperScriptSize | int | readwrite | |
SuperScriptStretch | int | readwrite | |
Symbols | string | readwrite | |
SymbolsList | Strings String | readonly | |
TblFnCellPosition | int | readwrite | |
TblFnCellPrefix | string | readwrite | |
TblFnCellSuffix | string | readwrite | |
TblFnCustNumString | string | readwrite | |
TblFnFmt | string | readwrite | |
TblFnNumStyle | int | readwrite | |
TblFnPosition | int | readwrite | |
TblFnPrefix | string | readwrite | |
TblFnSuffix | string | readwrite | |
TextSelection | TextRange | readwrite | |
TopMargin | int | readwrite | |
TrackChangesAddedColor | Color | readwrite | |
TrackChangesDeletedColor | Color | readwrite | |
TrackChangesOn | bool | readwrite | |
TrapwiseCompatibility | bool | readwrite | |
Underlining | int | readwrite | |
Untouchable | int | readwrite | |
UseInitialStructure | int | readwrite | |
UseInitialStructureOfAutoInsertedElements | bool | readwrite | |
UseSepOverride | int | readwrite | |
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Variables | string | readwrite | |
ViewBorders | int | readwrite | |
ViewDisplayUnits | int | readwrite | |
ViewFontSizeUnits | int | readwrite | |
ViewGrid | int | readwrite | |
ViewGridUnits | int | readwrite | |
ViewHotspotIndicators | int | readwrite | |
ViewNoGraphics | int | readwrite | |
ViewOnlyDeadCodes | UInts | readwrite | |
ViewOnlyMenuBar | Menu | readwrite | |
ViewOnlySelect | int | readwrite | |
ViewOnlyWinBorders | int | readwrite | |
ViewOnlyWinMenubar | int | readwrite | |
ViewOnlyWinPalette | int | readwrite | |
ViewOnlyWinPopup | int | readwrite | |
ViewOnlyXRef | int | readwrite | |
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ViewRulers | int | readwrite | |
ViewTextSymbols | int | readwrite | |
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XmlUseBOM | int | readwrite | |
XmlVersion | string | readwrite | |
XmlWellFormed | int | readwrite | |
Zoom | int | readwrite |
int AddNewBuildExpr (exprName: string, exprCondition: string)
Parameter | Type | Description |
exprName | string | |
exprCondition | string |
int AddTableVariables (tblFormatOrTblId: Object, allTables: bool, insertContVariable: bool, insertSheetVariable: bool)
Parameter | Type | Description |
tblFormatOrTblId | Object | |
allTables | bool | |
insertContVariable | bool | |
insertSheetVariable | bool |
TextLoc AddText (textLoc: TextLoc, text: string)
Parameter | Type | Description |
textLoc | TextLoc | |
text | string |
int CenterOnText (textRange: TextRange)
Parameter | Type | Description |
textRange | TextRange |
Parameter | Type | Description |
flags | int |
Parameter | Type | Description |
flags | int |
CompareRet Compare (newerDoc: Doc, flags: int, insertCondTag: string, deleteCondTag: string, replaceText: string, compareThreshold: int)
Parameter | Type | Description |
newerDoc | Doc | |
flags | int | |
insertCondTag | string | |
deleteCondTag | string | |
replaceText | string | |
compareThreshold | int |
Parameter | Type | Description |
flags | int |
Parameter | Type | Description |
flags | int |
int DeleteBuildExpr (exprName: string)
Parameter | Type | Description |
exprName | string |
int DeleteText (textRange: TextRange)
Parameter | Type | Description |
textRange | TextRange |
int DeleteUndefinedAttribute (attrName: string, scope: int, objId: Object)
Parameter | Type | Description |
attrName | string | |
scope | int | |
objId | Object |
int DeleteUnusedFmts (objType: int)
Parameter | Type | Description |
objType | int |
int DeleteUnusedGraphicsFmt ()
TextLoc ElementLocToTextLoc (eloc: ElementLoc)
Parameter | Type | Description |
eloc | ElementLoc |
int Export (fileName: string, exportParams: PropVals, exportReturnParams: PropVals)
Parameter | Type | Description |
fileName | string | |
exportParams | PropVals | |
exportReturnParams | PropVals |
TextRange Find (textLoc: TextLoc, findParams: PropVals)
Parameter | Type | Description |
textLoc | TextLoc | |
findParams | PropVals |
string GetBuildExpr (exprName: string)
Parameter | Type | Description |
exprName | string |
Strings GetBuildExprCatalog ()
TypedVals GetDependencies (depMode: int)
Parameter | Type | Description |
depMode | int |
AttrCondExpr GetNamedAttrCondExpr (name: string)
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | string |
CharFmt GetNamedCharFmt (name: string)
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | string |
Color GetNamedColor (name: string)
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | string |
CombinedFontDefn GetNamedCombinedFontDefn (name: string)
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | string |
CondFmt GetNamedCondFmt (name: string)
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | string |
ElementDef GetNamedElementDef (name: string)
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | string |
FmtChangeList GetNamedFmtChangeList (name: string)
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | string |
GraphicsFmt GetNamedGraphicsFmt (name: string)
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | string |
MarkerType GetNamedMarkerType (name: string)
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | string |
MasterPage GetNamedMasterPage (name: string)
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | string |
Object GetNamedObject (objType: int, name: string)
Parameter | Type | Description |
objType | int | |
name | string |
PgfFmt GetNamedPgfFmt (name: string)
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | string |
RefPage GetNamedRefPage (name: string)
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | string |
RulingFmt GetNamedRulingFmt (name: string)
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | string |
TblFmt GetNamedTblFmt (name: string)
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | string |
UnanchoredFrame GetNamedUnanchoredFrame (name: string)
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | string |
VarFmt GetNamedVarFmt (name: string)
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | string |
XRefFmt GetNamedXRefFmt (name: string)
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | string |
PropVals GetProps ()
TextItems GetTextForRange (tr: TextRange, flags: int)
Parameter | Type | Description |
tr | TextRange | |
flags | int |
TextItems GetTextForRange2 (tr: TextRange, flags: int, flags2: int)
Parameter | Type | Description |
tr | TextRange | |
flags | int | |
flags2 | int |
PropVal GetTextPropVal (textLoc: TextLoc, propNum: int)
Parameter | Type | Description |
textLoc | TextLoc | |
propNum | int |
PropVals GetTextProps (textLoc: TextLoc)
Parameter | Type | Description |
textLoc | TextLoc |
TypedVal GetTextVal (textLoc: TextLoc, propNum: int)
Parameter | Type | Description |
textLoc | TextLoc | |
propNum | int |
Object GetUniqueObject (objType: int, unique: int)
Parameter | Type | Description |
objType | int | |
unique | int |
int HypertextCommand (hypertext: string)
Parameter | Type | Description |
hypertext | string |
Object Import (textLocP: TextLoc, filename: string, importParams: PropVals, importReturnParams: PropVals)
Parameter | Type | Description |
textLocP | TextLoc | |
filename | string | |
importParams | PropVals | |
importReturnParams | PropVals |
AFrame NewAnchoredAFrame (textloc: TextLoc)
Parameter | Type | Description |
textloc | TextLoc |
Fn NewAnchoredFn (textloc: TextLoc)
Parameter | Type | Description |
textloc | TextLoc |
Object NewAnchoredFormattedObject (objType: int, format: string, textLoc: TextLoc)
Parameter | Type | Description |
objType | int | |
format | string | |
textLoc | TextLoc |
Tbl NewAnchoredFormattedTbl (format: string, textLoc: TextLoc)
Parameter | Type | Description |
format | string | |
textLoc | TextLoc |
Var NewAnchoredFormattedVar (format: string, textLoc: TextLoc)
Parameter | Type | Description |
format | string | |
textLoc | TextLoc |
XRef NewAnchoredFormattedXRef (format: string, textLoc: TextLoc)
Parameter | Type | Description |
format | string | |
textLoc | TextLoc |
Marker NewAnchoredMarker (textloc: TextLoc)
Parameter | Type | Description |
textloc | TextLoc |
Object NewAnchoredObject (objType: int, textloc: TextLoc)
Parameter | Type | Description |
objType | int | |
textloc | TextLoc |
Tbl NewAnchoredTbl (textloc: TextLoc)
Parameter | Type | Description |
textloc | TextLoc |
TiApiClient NewAnchoredTiApiClient (textloc: TextLoc)
Parameter | Type | Description |
textloc | TextLoc |
Arc NewArc (parent: FrameObject)
Parameter | Type | Description |
parent | FrameObject |
Ellipse NewEllipse (parent: FrameObject)
Parameter | Type | Description |
parent | FrameObject |
Flow NewFlow (parent: FrameObject)
Parameter | Type | Description |
parent | FrameObject |
Object NewGraphicObject (objType: int, parent: FrameObject) GraphicObject could be any FM graphic object, i.e, AFrame ,UnanchoredFrame
Parameter | Type | Description |
objType | int | |
parent | FrameObject |
Group NewGroup (parent: FrameObject)
Parameter | Type | Description |
parent | FrameObject |
Inset NewInset (parent: FrameObject)
Parameter | Type | Description |
parent | FrameObject |
Object NewIterator (paramsp: PropVals)
Parameter | Type | Description |
paramsp | PropVals |
Line NewLine (parent: FrameObject)
Parameter | Type | Description |
parent | FrameObject |
Math NewMath (parent: FrameObject)
Parameter | Type | Description |
parent | FrameObject |
MathML NewMathML (parent: FrameObject)
Parameter | Type | Description |
parent | FrameObject |
AttrCondExpr NewNamedAttrCondExpr (name: string)
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | string |
CharFmt NewNamedCharFmt (name: string)
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | string |
Color NewNamedColor (name: string)
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | string |
CombinedFontDefn NewNamedCombinedFontDefn (name: string)
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | string |
CondFmt NewNamedCondFmt (name: string)
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | string |
ElementDef NewNamedElementDef (name: string)
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | string |
FmtChangeList NewNamedFmtChangeList (name: string)
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | string |
GraphicsFmt NewNamedGraphicsFmt (name: string)
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | string |
MarkerType NewNamedMarkerType (name: string)
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | string |
MasterPage NewNamedMasterPage (name: string)
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | string |
Object NewNamedObject (objType: int, name: string)
Parameter | Type | Description |
objType | int | |
name | string |
PgfFmt NewNamedPgfFmt (name: string)
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | string |
RefPage NewNamedRefPage (name: string)
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | string |
RulingFmt NewNamedRulingFmt (name: string)
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | string |
TblFmt NewNamedTblFmt (name: string)
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | string |
VarFmt NewNamedVarFmt (name: string)
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | string |
XRefFmt NewNamedXRefFmt (name: string)
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | string |
Polygon NewPolygon (parent: FrameObject)
Parameter | Type | Description |
parent | FrameObject |
Polyline NewPolyline (parent: FrameObject)
Parameter | Type | Description |
parent | FrameObject |
Rectangle NewRectangle (parent: FrameObject)
Parameter | Type | Description |
parent | FrameObject |
RoundRect NewRoundRect (parent: FrameObject)
Parameter | Type | Description |
parent | FrameObject |
BodyPage NewSeriesBodyPage (previous: Object)
Parameter | Type | Description |
previous | Object |
Object NewSeriesObject (objType: int, previous: Object)
Parameter | Type | Description |
objType | int | |
previous | Object |
Pgf NewSeriesPgf (previous: Object)
Parameter | Type | Description |
previous | Object |
Tbl NewTable (format: string, numCols: int, numBodyRows: int, numHeaderRows: int, numFooterRows: int, textLoc: TextLoc)
Parameter | Type | Description |
format | string | |
numCols | int | |
numBodyRows | int | |
numHeaderRows | int | |
numFooterRows | int | |
textLoc | TextLoc |
TextFrame NewTextFrame (parent: FrameObject)
Parameter | Type | Description |
parent | FrameObject |
TextLine NewTextLine (parent: FrameObject)
Parameter | Type | Description |
parent | FrameObject |
UnanchoredFrame NewUnanchoredFrame (parent: FrameObject)
Parameter | Type | Description |
parent | FrameObject |
Parameter | Type | Description |
flags | int |
int QuickSelect (prompt: string, stringlist: Strings)
Parameter | Type | Description |
prompt | string | |
stringlist | Strings |
Object Save (saveAsName: string, saveParams: PropVals, saveReturnParams: PropVals)
Parameter | Type | Description |
saveAsName | string | |
saveParams | PropVals | |
saveReturnParams | PropVals |
int ScrollToText (textRange: TextRange)
Parameter | Type | Description |
textRange | TextRange |
int SetActiveBuildExpr (exprName: string)
Parameter | Type | Description |
exprName | string |
int SetAttributeSimple (attrName: string, attrValStr: string, scope: int, objId: Object)
Parameter | Type | Description |
attrName | string | |
attrValStr | string | |
scope | int | |
objId | Object |
void SetElementRange (propNum: int, setVal: ElementRange)
Parameter | Type | Description |
propNum | int | |
setVal | ElementRange |
void SetProps (setVal: PropVals)
Parameter | Type | Description |
setVal | PropVals |
void SetTextPropVal (textRange: TextRange, setVal: PropVal)
Parameter | Type | Description |
textRange | TextRange | |
setVal | PropVal |
void SetTextProps (textRange: TextRange, setVal: PropVals)
Parameter | Type | Description |
textRange | TextRange | |
setVal | PropVals |
void SetTextVal (textRange: TextRange, propNum: int, setVal: TypedVal)
Parameter | Type | Description |
textRange | TextRange | |
propNum | int | |
setVal | TypedVal |
int SimpleImportElementDefs (fromDocOrBook: Doc|Book, importFlags: int)
Parameter | Type | Description |
fromDocOrBook | Doc|Book | |
importFlags | int |
int SimpleImportFormats (fromDoc: Doc, formatFlags: int)
Parameter | Type | Description |
fromDoc | Doc | |
formatFlags | int |
Doc SimpleSave (saveAsName: string, interactive: int)
Parameter | Type | Description |
saveAsName | string | |
interactive | int |
ElementLoc TextLocToElementLoc (tloc: TextLoc)
Parameter | Type | Description |
tloc | TextLoc |
void UndoStartCheckPoint (description: string)
Parameter | Type | Description |
description | string |
void UpdateDITAReferences (flag: int)
Parameter | Type | Description |
flag | int |
int UpdateXRef (srcDoc: Doc, xref: XRef)
Parameter | Type | Description |
srcDoc | Doc | |
xref | XRef |
int UpdateXRefs (updateXRefFlags: int)
Parameter | Type | Description |
updateXRefFlags | int |
Element of
Used in:
CompareRet Book.Compare (newerDoc: Doc, flags: int, insertCondTag: string, deleteCondTag: string, replaceText: string, compareThreshold: int)
int Book.SimpleImportFormats (fromDoc: Doc, formatFlags: int)
CompareRet CompareRet.CompareRet (sum: Doc, comp: Doc)
CompareRet Doc.Compare (newerDoc: Doc, flags: int, insertCondTag: string, deleteCondTag: string, replaceText: string, compareThreshold: int)
int Doc.SimpleImportFormats (fromDoc: Doc, formatFlags: int)
int Doc.UpdateXRef (srcDoc: Doc, xref: XRef)
Doc Doc.SimpleSave (saveAsName: string, interactive: int)
Doc Globals.CustomDoc (width: int, height: int, numCols: int, columnGap: int, topMargin: int, botMargin: int, leftinsideMargin: int, rightoutsideMargin: int, sidedness: int, makeVisible: bool)
Doc Globals.SimpleNewDoc (templateName: string, interactive: int)
Jongware, 18-Jan-2015 v1.0 | Contents :: Index |