API: examples/test/test.ino Source File

ESP8266 Arduino API

23 #include "ESP8266.h"
25 #define SSID "ITEAD"
26 #define PASSWORD "12345678"
28 ESP8266 wifi(Serial1,9600);
30 void setup(void)
31 {
32  Serial.begin(9600);
33  Serial.print("setup begin\r\n");
34  if(wifi.setUart(9600,2)){
35  Serial.println("set uart is ok ");
36  }
37  else{
38  Serial.println("set uart is error");
39  }
40  Serial.println(wifi.getWifiModeList().c_str());
41  if(wifi.setOprToSoftAP(2,2)){
42  Serial.println("it is STA");
43  }
44  if(wifi.setOprToStation(2,2)){
45  Serial.println("it is AP");
46  }
47  if(wifi.setOprToStationSoftAP(2,2)){
48  Serial.println("it is AP+SoftAP");
49  }
50  Serial.println(wifi.getAPList().c_str());
51  wifi.joinAP(SSID,PASSWORD);
52  Serial.println(wifi.getNowConecAp(1).c_str());
53  if(wifi.leaveAP())
54  {
55  Serial.println("it is leave");
56  }
57  Serial.println(wifi.getNowConecAp(1).c_str());
58  if(wifi.setSoftAPParam("aaa","12345678"))
59  {
60  Serial.println("it is set param ok");
61  }
62  Serial.println(wifi.getSoftAPParam());
63  Serial.println(wifi.getJoinedDeviceIP().c_str());
64  Serial.print("the state of DHCP:");
65  Serial.println(wifi.getDHCP().c_str());
66  if(wifi.setDHCP(2,1)){
67  Serial.println("it is set DHCP OK");
68  }
69  Serial.println(wifi.getDHCP().c_str());
70  if(wifi.setAutoConnect(0)){
71  Serial.println("take off auto connect ok");
72  }
73  Serial.print("get the station mac: ");
74  Serial.println(wifi.getStationMac().c_str());
75  if(wifi.setStationMac("18:fe:35:98:d3:7b")){
76  Serial.println("set station mac is ok ");
77  }
78  else {
79  Serial.println("it is error");
80  }
81  Serial.print("get the station mac: ");
82  Serial.println(wifi.getStationMac().c_str());
83  Serial.print("get the station's ip");
84  Serial.println(wifi.getStationIp().c_str());
86  if(wifi.setStationIp("","","")){
87  Serial.println("set station's ip is ok");
88  }
89  else{
90  Serial.println("set station's ip is error");
91  }
92  Serial.print("get the station's ip");
93  Serial.println(wifi.getStationIp().c_str());
95  Serial.print("get the ap's ap");
96  Serial.println(wifi.getAPIp().c_str());
98  if(wifi.setAPIp("")){
99  Serial.println("set ap's ip is ok");
100  }
101  else
102  {
103  Serial.println("set ap's is is error");
104  }
105  Serial.print("get the ap's ap");
106  Serial.println(wifi.getAPIp().c_str());
108  if(wifi.startSmartConfig(1)){
109  Serial.println("start smartconfig is ok");
110  }
111  else{
112  Serial.println("start smartconfig is error");
113  }
114  if(wifi.stopSmartConfig()){
115  Serial.println("stop smartconfig is ok");
116  }
117  else{
118  Serial.println("stop smartconfig is error");
119  }
120  Serial.print("get the current status of connection:");
121  Serial.println(wifi.getIPStatus().c_str());
122  if(wifi.saveTransLink(1,"",1006)){
123  Serial.println("save trans link is ok");
124  }
125  else{
126  Serial.println("save trans link is error");
127  }
128  Serial.println("setup end\r\n");
129 }
131 void loop(void)
132 {
133 }
bool setAutoConnect(uint8_t en)
make boot automatically connected.
Definition: ESP8266.cpp:220
String getStationIp(uint8_t pattern=3)
Get the station's IP.
Definition: ESP8266.cpp:237
bool joinAP(String ssid, String pwd, uint8_t pattern=3)
Join in AP.
Definition: ESP8266.cpp:178
bool setSoftAPParam(String ssid, String pwd, uint8_t chl=7, uint8_t ecn=4, uint8_t pattern=3)
Set SoftAP parameters.
Definition: ESP8266.cpp:197
String getDHCP(uint8_t pattern=3)
Get the current state of DHCP.
Definition: ESP8266.cpp:209
bool setOprToSoftAP(uint8_t pattern1=3, uint8_t pattern2=3)
Set operation mode to softap.
Definition: ESP8266.cpp:129
bool setStationMac(String mac, uint8_t pattern=3)
Set the station's MAC address.
Definition: ESP8266.cpp:232
String getNowConecAp(uint8_t pattern=3)
Search and returns the current connect AP.
Definition: ESP8266.cpp:163
bool setStationIp(String ip, String gateway, String netmask, uint8_t pattern=3)
Set the station's IP.
Definition: ESP8266.cpp:244
bool setUart(uint32_t baudrate, uint8_t pattern)
Set up a serial port configuration.
Definition: ESP8266.cpp:96
String getWifiModeList(void)
Get the model values list.
Definition: ESP8266.cpp:123
bool setAPIp(String ip, uint8_t pattern=3)
Set the AP IP.
Definition: ESP8266.cpp:256
The definition of class ESP8266.
String getSoftAPParam(uint8_t pattern=3)
get SoftAP parameters.
Definition: ESP8266.cpp:188
bool saveTransLink(uint8_t mode, String ip, uint32_t port)
Save the passthrough links.
Definition: ESP8266.cpp:363
bool startSmartConfig(uint8_t type)
start smartconfig.
Definition: ESP8266.cpp:261
bool setDHCP(uint8_t mode, uint8_t en, uint8_t pattern=3)
Set the state of DHCP.
Definition: ESP8266.cpp:215
bool setOprToStationSoftAP(uint8_t pattern1=3, uint8_t pattern2=3)
Set operation mode to station + softap.
Definition: ESP8266.cpp:146
bool leaveAP(void)
Leave AP joined before.
Definition: ESP8266.cpp:183
String getAPIp(uint8_t pattern=3)
Get the AP's IP.
Definition: ESP8266.cpp:249
bool stopSmartConfig(void)
stop smartconfig.
Definition: ESP8266.cpp:266
Provide an easy-to-use way to manipulate ESP8266.
Definition: ESP8266.h:42
String getAPList(void)
Search available AP list and return it.
Definition: ESP8266.cpp:171
String getStationMac(uint8_t pattern=3)
Get the station's MAC address.
Definition: ESP8266.cpp:224
String getIPStatus(void)
Get the current status of connection(UDP and TCP).
Definition: ESP8266.cpp:274
bool setOprToStation(uint8_t pattern1=3, uint8_t pattern2=3)
Set operation mode to station.
Definition: ESP8266.cpp:107
String getJoinedDeviceIP(void)
Get the IP list of devices connected to SoftAP.
Definition: ESP8266.cpp:202
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