RasIsolationState Enumeration

DotRas SDK

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Describes the the isolation state of a remote access service (RAS) connection.

Namespace: DotRas
Assembly: DotRas (in DotRas.dll) Version: 1.3.5166.33435 (


public enum RasIsolationState
Visual Basic
Public Enumeration RasIsolationState
Visual C++
public enum class RasIsolationState
type RasIsolationState


Member name Value Description
Unknown 0 The connection isolation state is unknown.
NotRestricted 1 The connection isolation state is not restricted.
InProbation 2 The connection isolation state is in probation.
RestrictedAccess 3 The connection isolation state is restricted access.


Known Limitations:

  • This type is only available on Windows Vista and later operating systems.

See Also