RasConnectionState Enumeration

DotRas SDK

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Defines the different states available for a remote access service (RAS) connection.

Namespace: DotRas
Assembly: DotRas (in DotRas.dll) Version: 1.3.5166.33435 (


public enum RasConnectionState
Visual Basic
Public Enumeration RasConnectionState
Visual C++
public enum class RasConnectionState
type RasConnectionState


Member name Value Description
OpenPort 0 The communications port is about to be opened.
PortOpened 1 The communications port has been opened successfully.
ConnectDevice 2 The device is about to be connected.
DeviceConnected 3 The device has connected successfully.
AllDevicesConnected 4 The devices within the device chain have all connected, a physical link has been established.
Authenticate 5 The authentication process is starting.
AuthNotify 6 An authentication event has occurred.
AuthRetry 7 The client has requested another authentication attempt.
AuthCallback 8 The remote access server has requested a callback number.
AuthChangePassword 9 The client has requested to change the password on the account.
AuthProject 10 The projection phase is starting.
AuthLinkSpeed 11 The link speed calculation phase is starting.
AuthAck 12 The authentication request is being acknowledged.
PostCallbackAuthentication 13 The authentication (after callback) phase is starting.
Authenticated 14 The client has successfully completed authentication.
PrepareForCallback 15 The line is about to disconnect in preparation for callback.
WaitForModemReset 16 The client is delaying in order to give the modem time to reset itself in preparation for callback.
WaitForCallback 17 The client is waiting for an incoming call from the remote access server.
Projected 18 The projection result information has been made available.
StartAuthentication 19 The user authentication is being started or reattempted.
CallbackComplete 20 The client has been called back and is about to resume authentication.
LogOnNetwork 21 The client is logging on to the network.
SubEntryConnected 22 The subentry within a multi-link connection has been connected.
SubEntryDisconnected 23 The subentry within a multi-link connection has been disconnected.
ApplySettings 24 The client is applying settings.

Windows 7 or later: This value is supported.

Interactive 4096 The client has entered an interactive state.
RetryAuthentication 4097 The client is starting to retry authentication.
CallbackSetByCaller 4098 The client has entered the callback state.
PasswordExpired 4099 The client password has expired.
InvokeEapUI 4100 The client has been paused to display a custom authentication user interface.
Connected 8192 The client has connected successfully.
Disconnected 8193 The client has disconnected or failed a connection attempt.


Do not write code that depends on the order or occurrence of a particular connection state, because this can vary between platforms.

See Also