EigenvalueDecomposition overview
Public Instance Constructors
EigenvalueDecomposition Constructor | Check for symmetry, then construct the eigenvalue decomposition |
Public Instance Properties
D | Return the block diagonal eigenvalue matrix |
ImagEigenvalues | Return the imaginary parts of the eigenvalues |
RealEigenvalues | Return the real parts of the eigenvalues |
Public Instance Methods
Equals (inherited from Object) | Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object. |
GetHashCode (inherited from Object) | Serves as a hash function for a particular type, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table. |
GetType (inherited from Object) | Gets the Type of the current instance. |
GetV | Return the eigenvector matrix |
ToString (inherited from Object) | Returns a String that represents the current Object. |
Private Instance Fields
cdivi | |
cdivr | |
d | Arrays for internal storage of eigenvalues. @serial internal storage of eigenvalues. |
e | Arrays for internal storage of eigenvalues. @serial internal storage of eigenvalues. |
H | Array for internal storage of nonsymmetric Hessenberg form. @serial internal storage of nonsymmetric Hessenberg form. |
issymmetric | Symmetry flag. @serial internal symmetry flag. |
n | Row and column dimension (square matrix). @serial matrix dimension. |
ort | Working storage for nonsymmetric algorithm. @serial working storage for nonsymmetric algorithm. |
V | Array for internal storage of eigenvectors. @serial internal storage of eigenvectors. |