Training Detection Networks


Training Detection Networks

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You probably won't need to do this.

To change the network architecture, edit "TrainSqueakDetector.m"

To create an image database for training a faster-RCNN detector:

  1. Select "Tools > Network Training > Create Training Data"
  2. In the dialog box, select all files to create images from.
  3. Enter spectrogram settings.
    • FTT windows length, overlap, and NFFT are specified in seconds.
    • Amplitude cutoff: all values above this are set to one.
    • Bout length: calls within this distance are placed into a single image.
      • If value is not equal to zero, only a single file can be processed at a time.

To train a faster-RCNN detector:

  1. Select "Tools > Network Training > Train Network"
  2. In the dialog box, select all training tables from which to train from (saved in "DeepSqueak\Training\").
  3. Decide whether or not to use a pre-trained network as the starting point.
  4. Training will take hours. When finished a save dialog will appear.