Supervised Classification


Supervised Classification

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Calls may be classified with a supervised neural network. This network operates on the spectrogram, rather than the contour.

To use a supervised classifier:

  1. Select "Tools > Call Classification > Supervised Classification"
  2. In the list box, select the detection files to classify, and click "OK".

To train a supervised classifier:

  1. Select "Tools > Network Training > Train Supervised Classifier"
  2. Select the detection files to to use for training.
    • Rejected calls and "Noise" labeled calls will be ignored.
  1. When training is finished, the new network will be automatically saved as "DeepSqueak\Denoising Networks\CleaningNet.mat".
    • Training will overwrite the older network. It is wise to create a backup of the old network.
  1. Specify the spectrogram frequency range, and click "OK".
  2. Save the network when training finishes.