


There are a number of options that let you adjust several characteristics of DebugView, including the way that it behaves and looks.

Timing Format

DebugView displays time stamps of captured debug output in one of two formats: as clock-time (the time of day), or as relative time. When displaying relative time DebugView represents the time of a debug output record as the difference between its timestamp and the timestamp of the first record in the display. This mode is helpful when you debug timing-related problems. Use the Options|Clock Time menu item, time.gif toolbar button, or Ctrl+T hot-key sequence to toggle between clock time and relative time modes.

When DebugView is in clock-time mode you can select the Options|Show Milliseconds menu item to have DebugView show timestamps that include millisecond resolution.

Force Carriage Returns

The default behavior of DebugView is to buffer output strings in an internal buffer DebugView maintains until a carriage-return is encountered or the buffer overflows. This allows applications and drivers to build output lines with multiple invocations of debug output functions.

Select Options|Force Carriage Returns to cause DebugView to display every string passed to a debug output function on a separate output line, regardless of whether the string is terminated with a carriage return.

Auto Scroll

Use the Options|Auto Scroll menu item, scroll.gif toolbar button, or Ctrl+A hot-key sequence to toggle DebugView between auto-scroll and non-auto scroll modes. When in auto-scroll mode DebugView will always keep the most recent debug output visible in the display window.

Hiding the Toolbar

You can gain more display space by hiding the DebugView toolbar. Use the Options|Hide Toolbar menu item or Ctrl+B hot-key sequence to toggle the toolbar’s presence. DebugView will remember the toolbar state when you exit it and restore the same state the next time you start it.

Win32 PIDS

Setting this option using the Options|Win32 PIDs menu item will cause DebugView to prefix Win32 debug output with either the process ID (Windows NT/2K) or the process name (Windows 9x) of the process that generated the output. Deselecting this option can save screen space if you are not interested in what process generates Win32 output.

Changing the Font

Use the Edit|Font menu entry to open a font-selection dialog where you can choose a font that DebugView will use in its output window.

Always on Top

To keep DebugView as the top-most window on the desktop, use the Options|Always On Top menu item. Selecting the menu item a second time will toggle off the always-on-top mode.