CryptSharp Namespace


CryptSharp Namespace CryptSharp

CryptSharp provides a number of password crypt algorithms - BCrypt, LDAP, MD5 (and Apache's htpasswd variant), PHPass (WordPress, phpBB, Drupal), SHA256, SHA512, and Traditional and Extended DES. Additionally it includes Blowfish, SCrypt, and PBKDF2 for any HMAC (.NET's built-in PBKDF2 implementation supports only SHA-1).

If you are looking to store passwords, odds are, CryptSharp has the algorithms you need.


  Class Description
Public class BlowfishCrypter
Blowfish crypt, sometimes called BCrypt. A very good choice.
Public class Code example Crypter
Crypts and verifies passwords. The main class for most uses of this library.
Public class CrypterEnvironment
Lets you customize the list of crypt algorithms your program will accept.
Public class CrypterOption
Options that modify the crypt operation.
Public class CrypterOptionKey
The key type for options.
Public class CrypterOptions
Stores options for the crypt operation.
Public class CrypterProperty
Properties inherent to particular crypt algorithms.
Public class ExtendedDesCrypter
Extended DES crypt.
Public class LdapCrypter
LDAP schemes such as {SHA}.
Public class LdapCrypterOption
Options that modify the LDAP crypt operation.
Public class MD5Crypter
MD5 crypt, supported by nearly all systems. A variant supports Apache htpasswd files.
Public class PhpassCrypter
PHPass crypt. Used by WordPress. Variants support phpBB and Drupal 7+.
Public class Sha256Crypter
SHA256 crypt. A reasonable choice if you cannot use Blowfish crypt for policy reasons.
Public class Sha512Crypter
SHA512 crypt. A reasonable choice if you cannot use Blowfish crypt for policy reasons.
Public class ShaCrypter
Base class for Sha256Crypter and Sha512Crypter.
Public class TraditionalDesCrypter
Traditional DES crypt.

  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration BlowfishCrypterVariant
Variations of the Blowfish crypt algorithm. You only need concern yourself with Blowfish crypt variations if you have passwords generated pre-2011 using the C-language crypt_blowfish library or a port thereof. CryptSharp was implemented from specification and is not a port, and therefore never had the bug these variants pertain to.
Public enumeration LdapCrypterVariant
LDAP password schemes.
Public enumeration MD5CrypterVariant
Modified versions of the MD5 crypt algorithm.
Public enumeration PhpassCrypterVariant
Modified versions of the PHPass crypt algorithm.