BlowfishCipher Class


BlowfishCipher Class CryptSharp
Performs low-level encryption and decryption using the Blowfish cipher.
Inheritance Hierarchy

SystemObject  CryptSharp.UtilityBlowfishCipher

Namespace: CryptSharp.Utility
Assembly: CryptSharp (in CryptSharp.dll) Version:

public class BlowfishCipher : IDisposable
Public Class BlowfishCipher
	Implements IDisposable
public ref class BlowfishCipher : IDisposable
type BlowfishCipher =  
        interface IDisposable

The BlowfishCipher type exposes the following members.


Public methodBCrypt
Uses the cipher to generate a BCrypt hash.
Public methodStatic memberBCrypt(Byte, Byte, Int32)
Uses the given key, salt, and cost to generate a BCrypt hash.
Public methodStatic memberBCrypt(Byte, Byte, Int32, EksBlowfishKeyExpansionFlags)
Uses the given key, salt, and cost to generate a BCrypt hash. Flags may modify the key expansion.
Public methodStatic memberCreate
Creates a Blowfish cipher using the provided key.
Public methodStatic memberCreateEks(Byte, Byte, Int32)
Performs an Expensive Key Schedule (EKS) Blowfish key expansion and creates a Blowfish cipher using the result.
Public methodStatic memberCreateEks(Byte, Byte, Int32, EksBlowfishKeyExpansionFlags)
Performs an Expensive Key Schedule (EKS) Blowfish key expansion and creates a Blowfish cipher using the result. Flags may modify the key expansion.
Public methodDecipher(Byte, Int32)
Reverses the encipherment of eight bytes of data in-place.
Public methodDecipher(UInt32, UInt32)
Reverses the encipherment of eight bytes of data.
Public methodDecipher(Byte, Int32, Byte, Int32)
Reverses the encipherment of eight bytes of data from one buffer and places the result in another buffer.
Public methodDispose
Clears all memory used by the cipher.
Public methodEncipher(Byte, Int32)
Enciphers eight bytes of data in-place.
Public methodEncipher(UInt32, UInt32)
Enciphers eight bytes of data.
Public methodEncipher(Byte, Int32, Byte, Int32)
Enciphers eight bytes of data from one buffer and places the result in another buffer.

Public propertyStatic memberBCryptLength
The number of bytes returned by BCrypt.
Public propertyStatic memberBCryptMagic
The special string used encrypted in the BCrypt algorithm.
Public propertyIsKeyWeak
A Blowfish key is weak if one of its S-boxes has a duplicate entry. See for more information.
See Also
