About Lyrics

Creative MuVo S200

About Lyrics

Your player can display lyrics when playing back tracks. Your player supports two lyrics formats:

  • LRC - a lyrics file format that uses time tags to synchronize lyrics with WMA and MP3 audio. You can create and edit lyrics using Creative Karaoke Player. For more information and usage instructions, see the application's online Help.
  • ID3 - an informal standard where a fixed-sized tag is embedded in an MP3 file. Each tag can contain information such as song title, artist, album cover artwork, lyrics and more. Tracks that you rip from a CD, or tracks that you buy online may not contain lyrics in the ID3 tags.
  • Before you can display lyrics on your player, you need to either:

    • create an LRC file using Creative Karaoke Player and copy the file to your player. The LRC file must have the same name as the corresponding WMA or MP3 file, or
  • add lyrics to your MP3 file's ID3 tag and transfer the file to your player.
  • Note
    • ID3 tags are embedded in your MP3 files and do not need to be copied to your player separately.