
C++ Reference



    #include <set>
    iterator set::insert(iterator pos, const TYPE& val);
    void set::insert(input_iterator start, input_iterator end);
    pair<iterator, bool> set::insert(const TYPE& val);

The method insert() either:

  • inserts val before the element at pos (where pos is really just a suggestion as to where val should go, since sets and maps are ordered), and returns an iterator to that element.
  • inserts a range of elements from start to end.
  • inserts val, but only if val doesn't already exist. The return value is an iterator to the element inserted, and a boolean describing whether an insertion took place.

For example, the following code uses insert to populate a set of integers:

  const int max_nums = 10;
  int nums[max_nums] = {3,1,4,1,5,9,2,6,5,8};
  set<int> digits;
  for( int i = 0; i < max_nums; ++i ) digits.insert(nums[i]);
  cout << "Unique digits are: ";
  for( set<int>::const_iterator iter = digits.begin();
       iter != digits.end();
       ++iter ) {
    cout << *iter << ' ';
  cout << '\n';

When run, this code displays:

Unique digits are: 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9

Related Topics: begin, end