
C++ Reference



    #include <cstdio>
    FILE *fopen( const char *fname, const char *mode );

The fopen() function opens a file indicated by fname and returns a stream associated with that file. mode is used to determine how the file will be treated (i.e. for input, output, etc).

If there is an error, fopen() returns NULL.

“r”Open a text file for reading
“w”Create a text file for writing
“a”Append to a text file
“rb”Open a binary file for reading
“wb”Create a binary file for writing
“ab”Append to a binary file
“r+“Open a text file for read/write
“w+“Create a text file for read/write
“a+“Open a text file for read/write
“rb+“Open a binary file for read/write
“wb+“Create a binary file for read/write
“ab+“Open a binary file for read/write

An example:

     int ch;
     FILE *input = fopen( "stuff", "r" );
     ch = getc( input );

Related Topics: fclose, fflush, fgetc, fputc, fread, freopen, fseek, fwrite, getc, getchar, setbuf