Searching PDF Versions of CompactRIO Manuals (Scan Interface)

CompactRIO Scan Interface

Searching PDF Versions of CompactRIO Manuals (Scan Interface)

Use Adobe Reader with Search and Accessibility 6.x or later to search PDF versions of all the CompactRIO manuals. Refer to the Adobe Systems Incorporated Web site to download Acrobat Reader.

Complete the following steps to search all the PDF versions of CompactRIO manuals.

  1. In Adobe Reader, select Edit»Search to display the Search PDF window.
  2. Enter a word or phrase in the What word or phrase would you like to search for text box.
  3. Click the All PDF Documents in button and select Browse for Location from the drop-down list. The Browse for Folder dialog box appears.
    1. Navigate to the CompactRIO\manuals directory.
    2. Click the OK button to close the dialog box and return to the Search PDF window.
  4. Click the Search button.

Refer to the Adobe Reader Help for more information about searching all the PDF documents in a directory for a word or phrase.