StringExtensions Methods

CSharp Extensions

StringExtensions Methods

The StringExtensions type exposes the following members.

  Name Description
Public method Static member CapitalizeFirstLetter
Converts only the first letter of a string to upper case.
Public method Static member ConvertCyrillicToLatinLetters
Transforms a string containing cyrillic letters to their latin representation.
Public method Static member ConvertLatinToCyrillicKeyboard
Transforms a string containing latin letters to their cyrillic representation.
Public method Static member GetFileExtension
Extract the extension of a file if the current string is a valid file name.
Public method Static member GetFirstCharacters
Retrieves first 'n' characters from a string.
Public method Static member GetStringBetween
Get a substring that starts from a specific string and ends to a specific string.
Public method Static member ToBoolean
Converts a string to a boolean value.
Public method Static member ToByteArray
Converts a string to a sequence of bytes.
Public method Static member ToContentType
Provides a file content type depending on a file extension.
Public method Static member ToDateTime
Converts a string with date and time to object of type DateTime.
Public method Static member ToInteger
Converts a string to a 32-bits signed number.
Public method Static member ToLong
Converts a string to a 64-bits signed number.
Public method Static member ToMd5Hash
Computes a md5 hash value for each character and converts them to hexadecimal values.
Public method Static member ToShort
Converts a string to a 16-bits signed number.
Public method Static member ToValidLatinFileName
Validate that a string contains only valid characters for a file name.
Public method Static member ToValidUsername
Validate that a string contains only allowed characters for a username.
See Also