WriteDAC Method

Beta Innovations USB SDK .NET/COM

Writes contents of iDataBuffer to the 8-bit DACs on the port specified by inPort. This function can be used on modules supporting 8-bit DACs.

Namespace:  BIUSBWrapper
Assembly:  BIUSBWrapper (in BIUSBWrapper.dll)


Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Shared Function WriteDAC ( _
	ByRef iDeviceList As DeviceParam, _
	inPort As Byte, _
	iDataBuffer As Byte() _
) As Integer
public static int WriteDAC(
	ref DeviceParam iDeviceList,
	byte inPort,
	byte[] iDataBuffer


Type: BIUSBWrapper..::.DeviceParam %
A DeviceParam structure. Must contain valid device information returned from call to DetectHID.
Type: System..::.Byte
Zero based index of output Port to write to.
Type: array< System..::.Byte >[]()[]
Data array containing byte values for DACs. A port supporting 10 8- bit DACs will require a 10 byte buffer, each byte corresponding to the data to be written to the corresponding DAC. Note that all DACs on a port are written to at the same time. Writing to a single DAC is not possible, therefore DAC buffer data must be updated in iDataBuffer for all DACs on the specified port.

Return Value

0: If failure writing to device.

>0: if success, returns number of bytes written to device.

See Also