DetectHID Method

Beta Innovations USB SDK .NET/COM

Detects all compatible vendor specific USB HID devices. Should be the first function called prior to all other calls or to refresh the device list.

Namespace:  BIUSBWrapper
Assembly:  BIUSBWrapper (in BIUSBWrapper.dll)


Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Shared Function DetectHID ( _
	<OutAttribute> ByRef oDev_Cnt As UInteger, _
	<OutAttribute> oDeviceList As DeviceParam(), _
	iFlag As UInteger _
) As Boolean
public static bool DetectHID(
	out uint oDev_Cnt,
	DeviceParam[] oDeviceList,
	uint iFlag


Type: System..::.UInt32 %
Returns the total number of matching devices detected.
Type: array< BIUSBWrapper..::.DeviceParam >[]()[]
Returns an array of DeviceParam structures. All returned data will be stored in this structure array.
Type: System..::.UInt32
Specifies the device class to detect.

Values can be:

DT_FLASH (reserved)

DT_DEVICES (reserved)

DT_REPORT (reserved)

DT_HID (Detects vendor defined HID class modules. Will ignore all joystick type devices such Plasma class modules)

DT_ALL (Detects all HID class modules including Joystick type devices such as Plasma class modules).

Return Value

trueTruetruetrue (True in Visual Basic) if success detecting devices, or falseFalsefalsefalse (False in Visual Basic) if failure detecting devices or no devices found.

See Also