Retrieves the amount of data queued, sent to or received from an encoder, or sent to a cast server.
QWORD BASS_Encode_GetCount(
HENCODE handle,
DWORD count
handle | The encoder.
count | The count to retrieve. One of the following.
BASS_ENCODE_COUNT_QUEUE | Data currently in the queue, waiting to be sent to the encoder.
| BASS_ENCODE_COUNT_QUEUE_LIMIT | The queue's size limit.
| BASS_ENCODE_COUNT_QUEUE_FAIL | Data not queued due to the queue being full or out of memory.
| BASS_ENCODE_COUNT_IN | Data sent to the encoder.
| BASS_ENCODE_COUNT_OUT | Data received from the encoder. This only applies when the encoder outputs to STDOUT or it is an ACM encoder.
| BASS_ENCODE_COUNT_CAST | Data sent to a cast server.
Return value
If successful, the requested count (in bytes) is returned, else -1 is returned. Use
BASS_ErrorGetCode to get the error code.
The queue counts are based on the channel's sample format (floating-point if the
BASS_CONFIG_FLOATDSP option is enabled), while the BASS_ENCODE_COUNT_IN count is based on the sample format used by the encoder, which could be different if one of the BASS_ENCODE_FP flags is active or the encoder is using an ACM codec (which take 16-bit data).
When the encoder output is being sent to a cast server, the BASS_ENCODE_COUNT_CAST count will match the BASS_ENCODE_COUNT_OUT count, unless there have been problems (eg. network timeout) that have caused data to be dropped.
Error codes
BASS_ERROR_HANDLE | handle is not valid.
BASS_ERROR_NOTAVAIL | The encoder does not have a queue.
BASS_ERROR_ILLPARAM | count is not valid.
See also