Q #1: How do I run an external command like MS Word?
A #1: Try:
Run, C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft
Run, %COMSPEC% /c C:\\Program
Files\\Microsoft Office\\Office\\Winword.exe
Send, ^{ESC}Rwinword{ENTER}
The Run command can be substituted
by RunWait. The only difference
is that RunWait suspends the AutoIt
script until the DOS command has
finished, and the Run command allows
the AutoIt script to continue at
the same time as the DOS command.
Q #2: Is there a way to activate the Run
box (Winkey-R) dialogue quickly
(to execute the contents of the
clipboard). Anyone know of some kind
of Rundll32 sequence that will do
this (activate the Run dialogue
box) or other programs that will do
I know the Run dialogue box on the
start menu and can Winkey to it
that way but it's kind of iffy
especially if you have other programs
starting with R.
I've tried the "Run
%Clipboard%" etc., but nothing is as effective as
the Run dialogue box for figuring
out the syntax of various commands
and understanding spaces etc.
I think I've tried just about
everything for executing text
(specifically for "executing
the clipboard text contents"). Nothing
works as effectively for executing a
wide variety of text commands as
that Run dialogue box. As an example let me illustrate as the
following 2 lines of text:
Notepad "C:\File with spaces in
C:\File with spaces in it.txt
That Run dialogue box is the only
thing I know of that will run
either line without problems. Using your suggestion it seems I'd be
doing something like:
SetEnv, variable, %COMSPEC% /c %CLIPBOARD%
Run, %variable%
Or possibly more simply:
This will work for the first line:
Notepad "C:\File with spaces in
But not the second:
C:\File with spaces in it.txt
If one tries to add the extra quotes
for the second line, then the
first line won't work.
A #1: If you want to do Winkey+R, try
send, {LWIN}R
{LWIN}R = Left Windows key + R
(although it isn't the same as
actually hitting the winkey and R
A #2: What about putting the application
to be executed in an .INI file,
which can have variables specified
how you want them (but again they
must follow the specific criteria
you've already built into your
script (i.e. Are they going to have
quotes or not, Will they call the
program and the file, or let the OS
judge which program to open the
file, etc...)
If the variable of %CLIPBOARD%
itself is such an uncontrolable factor
(possibly entered by the user, which
it may or may not have Quotes,
or may or may not have the
application followed by the filename) Then
perhaps you should put limitations
into the variable which reject any
input given by the user that does
not have quotes around it, or list
some examples for the user so they
know what format is accepted, and
what is not.
NOTE: Another very interesting thing I've found, is that IF the
variable you want executed is
in an .INI file (or any text
file for that matter), the
variable DOES NOT need to have the
obligatory ' \ ' preceeding
any special character. the script
reads the variable from the
.INI file or equiv., then that
variable then
becomes....'converted' to Auto-It
try this;
setenv, variable, %COMSPEC% /c
files\\mydirectory\\myfile.exe \/switch1 \/switch2
run, %variable%
instead of; you can have this;
\\\\server\\share\\file.exe \\Server\share\file.exe
%comspec% \/c
c:\\directory\\file.exe %comspec% /c c:\directory\file.exe
If anyone finds any flaws in this,
please let me know...
I have a variable path depending on
which system I plan to run
scripts from, and it tries first one
of the paths. If it finds it it
executes it, if not it tries the
next path/file location (as
specificed in the .INI file) in
Q #3: How do I play a WAV file from within
A #1: use:
Run, C:\windows\media\logoff.wav
and the WAV file will
"hijack" whatever sound player you use to play
the sound. I know there is a system call for the sounds but I don't
know what it is.
A #2: This is the line that windows uses
to play a wav file.
"C:\Program Files\Windows Media
Player\mplayer2.exe" /Play
The way to get this information is
* open
any folder in windows explorer.
* Click
on the view menu and choose options,
* click
the file types tab
* scroll
down to the file type you want (in this case .wav).
* Click
on the edit button
* Click
play and edit again.
Now you will see the application
used to perform this action and in
that window you will see the above
replace "%L" with
"c:\windows\media\hi.wav" or whatever your wav file
Q #4: Why doesn't the DOS command window
close when I do this?
Run, "net" "use r:
\\\\hotfurn1\\bin" doesn't work
A #1: Try using:
Run, %COMSPEC% /c net use r: \\\\hotfurn1\\bin
Using "%comspec% /C" has
the advantage of closing the window after the
command finishes instead of leaving
it open.
Q #5: Using the script below, how can I
make sure that the default browser
opens the hotmail site? I would like to have this just for the
default browser. I took a look at
the Open command for HTMLFile in
the registry and it had this:
{Registry key:
{Registry key:
How would I strip the -nohome from
the variable? Are there any string
manipulation functions in AutoIt?
Using this line does not work with
either browser as default...
Run, http://www.hotmail.com,,
; ======= Script Starts Here =======
; Logs into a Hotmail account
; ========================={ES
; Get the path to Netscape from the
; ========================={ES
;RegRead, NSPath, REG_SZ,
SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Paths\\Netscape.exe,
;Run,%NSPath% http://www.hotmail.com,,
; Get the path to IE from the registry
; ========================={ES
;RegRead, IEPath, REG_SZ,
WinWaitActive, Hotmail
; ========================={ES
; Wait 5 seconds
; ========================={ES
Sleep, 5000
; ========================={ES
; No longer needed as Hotmail now
uses javascript to
; move the cursor to the UserID
; ========================={ES
; You may have to change these
coordinates depending upon your screen resolution
;LeftClick, 260, 210
; Replace xxxxxxxx with your
Send, xxxxxxxx
Send, {TAB}
; ========================={ES
; Extra tab is now needed
; ========================={ES
Send, {TAB}
; Replace yyyyyyyy with your
Send, yyyyyyyy
Send, {TAB}
Send, {ENTER}
; ======= Script Ends Here =======
A #1: Try this:
run, %comspec% /c start
http://www.hotmail.com,, min