The [ADLIB] Section


The [ADLIB] Section

The [ADLIB] section is optional, and if present should be placed at the end of the script file. The ADLIB section is designed to cope with unexpected conditions. The ADLIB section consists of single line commands that check if a window is active and if so, send keys to it.
The ADLIB section must start with the line "[ADLIB]".

The format of the a line in the ADLIB section is:

<Window Title>,<Window Text>,<Command>

WinWaitActive,Untitled - Notepad
WinWaitClose,Untitled - Notepad

Notepad, save the changes?, Send, !n

Without the ADLIB section, this script would never end as Notepad would never
close until someone responded to the message "Do you want to save the changes?".

ADLIB commands must contain a window title and some text on the window. If there is no text on the window, or if you don't want to specify any, then you must use two commas.

WinWaitActive,Untitled - Notepad
WinWaitClose,Untitled - Notepad

Notepad,, Send, !n