Special Variables
There are a number of special variables in AutoIt these are described below:
AutoIt Variable | Contains |
A_OSTYPE | The type of Operating System being run. Either "WIN32_WINDOWS" or "WIN32_NT". |
A_OSVERSION | "WIN_XP", "WIN_2000", "WIN_NT4", "WIN_95", "WIN_98", "WIN_ME". |
A_SCRIPTNAME | The current script name, e.g. "myscript.aut". |
A_SCRIPTDIR | The directory that the current script resides in. |
A_SCRIPTFULLPATH | The full pathname of the current script, e.g. "C:\Windows\Scripts\myscript.aut". |
A_WORKINGDIR | The current working directory. |
A_NUMBATCHLINES | The current setting of the "SetBatchLines" command. |
A_SEC | Seconds after the minute (00-59) |
A_MIN | Minutes after the hour (00-59) |
A_HOUR | Hours after midnight (00-23) |
A_MDAY | Day of the month (01-31) |
A_MON | Month of the year (01-12) |
A_YEAR | The current year (4 digit format, e.g. 2000) |
A_WDAY | Day of the week (1-7) |
A_YDAY | Day of the year (1-366) |