Q #1: I'm running into a bit of a problem. What I'm wanting to do is run a
program according to the display resolution. As you'll see in the
script I've pasted, but what I find is that it launches all 3 of them
no matter what? Probably something I've over looked!!
RegRead, TestKey, REG_SZ, HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG,Display\\Settings,Resolution
IfEqual, TestKey, "1024,768", GOTO, internet
IfEqual, TestKey, "800,600", GOTO, word
IfEqual, TestKey, "640,480", GOTO, excel
run, c:\\program files\\internet explorer\\iexplore.exe
run, c:\\program files\\microsoft office\\office\\winword.exe
run, c:\\program files\\microsoft office\\office\\excel.exe
A #1: First of all, check to see the results of your RegRead by putting the
MsgBox, 0, RegRead Results, Result=%TestKey%
right after the RegRead, To make sure you are getting the results you
think you should. Once you are satisfied with that, you can remove
the MsgBox command
In addition add the goto commands I have shown here:
; ======= Scriptlet Starts Here =======
RegRead, TestKey, REG_SZ, HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG,Display\\Settings,Resolution
IfEqual, TestKey, "1024,768", GOTO, internet
IfEqual, TestKey, "800,600", GOTO, word
IfEqual, TestKey, "640,480", GOTO, excel
goto, end
run, c:\\program files\\internet explorer\\iexplore.exe
goto, end
run, c:\\program files\\microsoft office\\office\\winword.exe
run, c:\\program files\\microsoft office\\office\\excel.exe
; ======= Scriptlet Ends Here =======
Q #2: I've created a script that uses the shortcut key option in the
shortcuts properties (hmm... lemme explain this another way, Right-
click on a shortcut, select properties, see 'shortcut key' you can
assign hotkey for shortcuts) O.k. Not to insult anyone's intelli-
gence, but I wanted everyone on the same page.)
This script when called upon, will take a snapshot of the currently
active screen, then open mspaint.exe, paste it, and save the file in
the %YEAR%%MONTH%%DAY%.... format... it gives me a screenshot of each
screen so I can go back later on and write a script that I was not
able to spend the time during the initial install. So far, this
method is starting to work out great, But I'd like a way to Open
Autoit Reveal mode, take a snapshot of that window, saving it, then
use it for later review for script making.
Problem, you can not 'WinGetAtiveTitle' it, 'WinSetTitle', or any
other similar steps. All Autoit based windows stay.... Autoit, or
Aut2Exe. Does anyone know of a way to do this? is this in the plans
for future versions? I can not get a snapshot (screenshot using print-
screen key) of the Autoit window, which has all the text listed and
mouse coordinates, etc... By being able to do this, a script can be
written at a later time, that would work fine, as all info on the
AutoIt screen is intact, but the inability to printscreen the AutoIt
window prevents this cool usage.
A #1: I use this code to capture error messages and printscreen them. Open
two AutoIt reveal windows, to get your exact AutoIt version and
Window Title.
; ======= Scriptlet Starts Here =======
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
WinActivate, AutoIt v2.41 - (C)2000 Jonathan Bennett.
WinWaitActive, AutoIt v2.41 - (C)2000 Jonathan Bennett.
SLEEP, 1000
WinMinimize, AutoIt v2.41 - (C)2000 Jonathan Bennett.
WinMaximize, untitled - Paint
WinWaitActive, untitled - Paint
SLEEP, 2000
; ======= Scriptlet Ends Here =======
A #2: Try using: send, {PRINTSCREEN}
rather than: send, !{PRINTSCREEN}
that should capture the whole screen, not just the active window.
That would get you the application's and the autoit reveal window....