Create a Map from CAD Data

AutoCAD Map 3D Workflow

Create a Map from CAD Data

Attach AutoCAD drawings, align them properly, attach attribute data, style the drawing objects, create metadata, and add a legend to your map.


Open or create a new drawing using a map template


Make objects in existing drawings available to the map by attaching the drawings


Assign a coordinate system or specify scale, rotation, and offset


Clean up the edges so objects from different maps align to each other


Attach any external attribute databases you plan to use


Use Quick View to preview the contents of active source drawings


Select objects based on their layer, object class, location, properties, or attached data


Specify how the selected drawing objects will look


Vary the style of drawing objects based on object properties or data associated with them


Add information about the file


Identify items in your map by style


Output the styled map (or its data) to a variety of destinations