Create ArcSDE Features from Unclassified Drawings

AutoCAD Map 3D Workflow

Create ArcSDE Features from Unclassified Drawings

Bring in an unstructured DWG file that needs to be cleaned up and georeferenced. Repair and classify the data, and export it to a geospatial file format (SDF). Then copy the resulting geospatial data to a central GIS repository (ArcSDE).


Open or create a new drawing using a map template


Attach the DWG files to use


Assign a coordinate system to the current map and all attached drawings, so objects are positioned properly


Use a Location condition and specify “All” to add all objects in the attached DWG files to your map


Use drawing cleanup to correct common map errors resulting from surveying, digitizing and scanning errors


Select a sample object, define its properties, and specify allowable settings


Assign the drawing objects to the classes you created


Save the drawing data in a geospatial format, based on object classes


Use Bulk Copy to copy the data to another spatial data format