AutoCAD Map 3D 2009 SDK

AutoCAD Map 3D SDK

AutoCAD Map 3D 2009 SDK

The AutoCAD Map 3D SDK includes ObjectARX, Geospatial Platform, and Feature Data Objects (FDO).

ObjectARX and FDO are exposed as C++ and also .NET. Geospatial Platform is exposed as .NET only.

ObjectARX, Geospatial Platform, and FDO are installed with the AutoCAD Map 3D SDK only. However the documentation for these APIs is included in both AutoCAD Map 3D and AutoCAD Map 3D SDK installations.

SDK Documentation

AutoCAD Map 3D SDK Help and the following component Help files are located in AutoCAD Map 3D\Help and also in AutoCAD Map 3D SDK\Docs. So long as these files reside in the same folder, all component Help content is available on the Contents tab of AutoCAD Map 3D SDK Help when you open it.

Title File Name
AutoCAD Map 3D ObjectARX C++ Developer's Guide
AutoCAD Map 3D ObjectARX C++ Reference sdk.arx.cpp.ref.chm
AutoCAD Map 3D ObjectARX .NET Developer's Guide
AutoCAD Map 3D ObjectARX .NET Reference
AutoCAD Map 3D Geospatial Platform Developer's Guide
AutoCAD Map 3D Geospatial Platform Reference sdk.geospatial.platform.ref.chm
AutoCAD Map 3D Geospatial Platform Supplement Reference sdk.geospatial.platform.supplement.ref.chm
AutoCAD Map 3D SDK Readme sdk._readme.chm

The three developer's guides are also available as PDF files, which are located in the same folder as their CHM equivalents.

In addition to the documentation components with ObjectARX .NET in their titles, note that the ObjectARX C++ Developer's Guide includes a .NET overview. To view this section, open AutoCAD Map 3D DK Help, and then click Developer's Guide > Managed Wrapper Classes.

Documentation for the FDO API, which is also a part of the SDK, is described in its own FDO section below.

SDK Scope

ObjectARX C++ and .NET correspond closely. Each covers most of AutoCAD Map 3D functionality, except what is covered exclusively by Geospatial Platform.

Geospatial Platform coverage includes

  • Resource Service
  • Feature Service
  • Mapping Service

The scope of the FDO API, which is also a part of the SDK, is described in its own FDO section below.

SDK Samples and C++ Header Files

SDK sample projects and C++ header files are installed with the AutoCAD Map 3D SDK only. They are not included with AutoCAD Map 3D.

The sample projects and C++ header files for FDO, which is also a part of the SDK, are described in their own FDO section below.

FDO Documentation

exposed as C++ and also .NET.

Like ObjectARX, FDO is exposed as C++ and also .NET.

The FDO documentation includes the following components. These files are located in AutoCAD Map 3D\Help and also in AutoCAD Map 3D SDK\FDO\Docs.

Title File Name
The Essential FDO FET_TheEssentialFDO.pdf
FDO Developer's Guide FDG_FDODevGuide.pdf
FDO API Reference FDO_API.chm
FDO API Reference - Managed FDO_API_managed.chm
FDO SDK Readme FDO_SDK_ReadMe.chm
FDO Provider for ArcSDE ArcSDE_Provider_API.chm
FDO Provider for MySQL MySQL_Provider_API.chm
FDO Provider for ODBC ODBC_Provider_API.chm
FDO Provider for Oracle Oracle_Provider_API.chm
FDO Provider for Raster Raster_Provider_API.chm
FDO Provider for SDF SDF_Provider_API.chm
FDO Provider for SHP SHP_Provider_API.chm
FDO Provider for SQL Server SQLServer_Provider_API.chm
FDO Provider for WMS WMS_Provider_API.chm

FDO Scope

FDO provides a generic interface to a number of back-end data source technologies for the storage and retrieval of GIS data. It also provides a model for extending this generic interface to additional data source technologies. The implementation of the interface for a particular technology is called an FDO provider.

Besides using the FDO API to develop FDO providers to support additional data source technologies, you can also use it to build applications that connect to and configure FDO providers.

FDO Samples and C++ Header Files

FDO sample projects and C++ header files are installed with the AutoCAD Map 3D SDK only. They are not included with AutoCAD Map 3D.