TextDef.Property property

AutoCAD Map 3D ActiveX

TextDef.Property property

Read Only

Property As EAlterationType

The alteration type.

For text alterations, there is only one alteration type, kAlterationTextEntity.

The following procedure traverses a collection of property alterations, distinguishing text definitions from other alterations, and prints the value of the text definition in the Immediate Window. Call this procedure just before the call to qry.Define, as shown in the following example. To go to the sample code, click .

'Call from Altering Queried Objects sample

txtdfprop prj, altls

'Define Query

boolVal = qry.Define(mainqrybr)




Sub txtdfprop(prj As Project, altls As AlterLines)

Dim i As Integer

Dim altl As Variant

Dim txtdf As TextDef


For i = 0 To prj.CurrQuery.AlterProp.Count - 1

Set altl = altls.Item(i) 

If altl.Property = kAlterationTextEntity Then 

Set txtdf = altls.Item(i) 

Debug.Print "This is a text definition property # " _ 

& txtdf.Property & " of value " & txtdf.TextValue 


Debug.Print "This is not a text definition. It's a property # " & altl.Property 

End If 

Next i

End Sub