RangeTables.Add method

AutoCAD Map 3D ActiveX

RangeTables.Add method

Adds a range table to the collection.

Add( RangeTblName As String, _
 RangeTblDescription As String _
 ) As RangeTable

Returns the added range table.


Name of the range table.


Description of the range table.

The following excerpt from the sample code for altering queried objects removes a table of the same name as the one you want to add, if it exists, and adds a range table called foulwater to the range tables collection. To see the complete example, click .

Dim prj As Project

Dim rngtb As RangeTable


prj.RangeTables.Remove ("foulwater")

Set rngtb = prj.RangeTables.Add("foulwater", "shallow water")