QueryBranch.Remove method

AutoCAD Map 3D ActiveX

QueryBranch.Remove method

Deletes a sub-branch or a leaf from a branch.

Remove(NumObject As Long) As Boolean

Returns True on success.


Index of a branch or leaf, starting at 0.

The following example builds on sample code for querying objects. For more information, click . Add the following code to the example after qry.Define.This example prints the starting number of items in the.sub-branch collection called andqrybr, searches the collection for the kDataCondition leaf, removes it, and checks that the number of items in the sub-branch reflects the removal.

For i = 0 To andqrybr.Count - 1

Debug.Print andqrybr.Count

If andqrybr.Item(i).Type = kDataCondition Then 

andqrybr.Remove (i) 

End If 

Next i

Debug.Print andqrybr.Count