AttachedDrawing.Save method

AutoCAD Map 3D ActiveX

AttachedDrawing.Save method

Saves the attached drawing.

Save( ) As Boolean

Returns True on success.

Note Unlike the Save method, which saves to disk, the save-back methods of attached drawings (for example, the AttachedDrawing.SaveNewObjs method) save only to memory. Use AttachedDrawing.Save after calling a save-back method to make save backs persistent.

The following example shows how to save an attached drawing.

Dim amobj as AcadMap

Dim pobj As AutoCADMap.Project

Dim dsobj as DrawingSet

Dim adobj as AttachedDrawing

Dim retval as Boolean

Set amobj = acadApp.GetInterfaceObject("AutoCADMap.Application")

Set pobj = amobj.Projects(ThisDrawing)

Set dsobj = pobj.DrawingSet

Set adobj = dsobj.Item(5)

retval = adobj.Save

If retval = True Then

 MsgBox "The drawing has been saved."


 MsgBox "The drawing has not been saved."

End If