AlterLine.Value property

AutoCAD Map 3D ActiveX

AlterLine.Value property


Value As Variant

Sets or returns the new value for the property, or an expression that evaluates to such a value.

The value's type must be appropriate for the property. For example, if AlterLine.Property is kAlterationElevation, the value should be a point. If AlterLine.Property is kAlterationHeight, kAlterationRotation, kAlterationWidth, or kAlterationThickness, the value should be a real. For all other kinds of properties, the value should be a string that makes sense with such a property.

If you are using a range table to provide values conditionally, use AlterLine.Value to reference the range table by supplying a range expression as argument. For more information, click .

The following procedure traverses a collection of property alterations and prints the value of the alteration if it is a text definition. Call this procedure just before the call to qry.Define, as shown in the following example. To go to the sample code, click .

'Call from Altering Queried Objects sample

showtxtdf prj, altls

'Define Query

boolVal = qry.Define(mainqrybr)




Sub showtxtdf(prj As Project, altls As AlterLines)

Dim i As Integer

Dim altl As Variant

Dim txtdf As TextDef


For i = 0 To prj.CurrQuery.AlterProp.Count - 1

Set altl = altls.Item(i) 

If altl.Property = kAlterationTextEntity Then 

Set txtdf = altls.Item(i) 

Debug.Print txtdf.TextValue 

End If 

Next i

End Sub