AllBound object

AutoCAD Map 3D ActiveX

AllBound object

Unlimited boundary.

Created by the MapUtil.NewLocationAll method.

This object defines an unlimited location condition, which returns all objects from all attached and active source drawings. Note that you can combine it with a And Not xx condition to retur all objects but xx. For example, combined with an And Not Color = Red property condition, a LocationAll condition returns all objects but the red ones.

The following example passes the AllBound object in the call to SetLocationCondition to query all objects in the attached drawings.

Dim amap As AcadMap

Dim prj As Project

Dim qry As Query

Dim qrybr As QueryBranch

Dim qrylf As QueryLeaf


Set amap = ThisDrawing.Application. _


Set prj = amap.Projects(ThisDrawing)

Set qry = prj.CurrQuery

Set qrybr = qry.QueryBranch

Set qrylf = qrybr.Add(kLocationCondition, kOperatorAnd)

qrylf.SetLocationCond kLocationInside, prj.MapUtil.NewLocationAll